2023-01-23 Grease Pencil Module Meeting

Practical info

Date/Time: 2023-01-23T15:00:00Z
Link: https://meet.google.com/ier-srzv-mng

  • Aleš Jelovčan (frogstomp/blenderislove)
  • Amélie Fondevilla (Les Fées Spéciales, developer)
  • Antonio Vazquez (Grease Pencil Developer)
  • Corrado Piscitelli (R&D, MAD Entertainment)
  • Daniel Martinez Lara (Grease Pencil Core team)
  • Falk David (Grease Pencil Developer)
  • Flaivo Perez (lfs.coop, helping out)
  • Gregoire Picher (CG Supervisor Elliott Animation)
  • Matias Mendiola (Grease Pencil Core team)
  • Nick Alberelli (Tiny Media, Community Member)
  • Nick Fox-Gieg (York University)
  • Samuel Bernou (Pullusb, CG Supervisor ADVstudio)
  • Thomas Dinges (Development Coordinator at Blender)


  • Announcements
    • SPA version of Blender.
  • Les Fées Spéciales: making a couple of shots as ‘open-movie’ to test a feature, will show the storyboard when it’s ready in case other people have ideas on other things to test (file organization…).
  • Address :anchor: T100301 GPencil: Enable binding to deforming meshes

Meeting Notes

  • Announcements
    • The SPA version of Blender was released:
    • Falk is starting to work as grease pencil developer for the Blender Foundation starting February. Will also be community coordinator. Starting 4 days/week remotely, then moving to Amsterdam in about 4 months time.
    • Les Fées Spéciales is starting to work on studio 3.0’s feature which is doing the inking in GP.
    • Daniel : Two films in Spain starting with GP, chica y lobo (barcelona/valencia), mariposas negras.
    • Daniel : NextLab is financing 2 devs to make more VR potential with GP. The process has started and will go through a proof of concept prototype first in the incoming months.
  • Falk: Had meeting with people from MAD entertainment (Ivan Cappielo, Betti Abbattista, and Corrado Piscitelli):
    • Studio is interested in utilizing grease pencil in a hybrid 3D/2D workflow. Combine 3D mesh animation with grease pencil drawing.
    • Were talking about the Blender Archive - developer.blender.org that Betti started to develop in August.
    • Patch is based on 3.3 (because that is what the studio was using) but will likely be moved to 3.5
    • Plan for now is to keep developing this in the open so that we can integrate the functionality in the future.
    • Patch will not be merged with master in the near future (still more work to be done).
  • Les Fées Spéciales: making a couple of shots as ‘open-movie’ to test a feature, will show the storyboard when it’s ready in case other people have ideas on other things to test (file organization…).
  • Falk: Worked on some curves related things this week (Blender Archive - developer.blender.org, Blender Archive - developer.blender.org, Blender Archive - developer.blender.org). Goal was to help the geometry nodes team a bit, work with CurvesGeometry in preparation of GP 3.0, get used to C++ again, implement functionality that can be used by GP as well.
  • We talked about the idea of maybe (optionally) restricting grease pencil strokes to a 2D plane in 3D space:
    • Falk: Would solve some alignment issues when people only want to draw to a plane. Would also open the doors for better stroke rendering, better booleans, better stroke ordering etc.
    • Nick: Knows that many GP users only work on a plane.
    • Nick (Fox): Works a lot with 3D strokes. Falk: Yes, grease pencil strokes would remain 3D (the 2D layer idea would be optional).
  • Next target for GP 3.0: create a list of goals and milestones. We will wait for the switch to gitea to happen before creating any tasks.
  • Ross: What about GP in the asset/pose library.
  • Matias: Documentation for Blender 3.5 new features is ready, please check it out just in case you found something wrong or missing: Grease Pencil — Blender Manual
  • Nick Fox: Asked about people exporting GP to other software.
  • We will organize two extra meetings:
    • Meeting to continue working on the results of the survey and start planning for a list of goals for GP 3.0 (TODO: date).
    • Developer meeting (likely on 2023-02-09T16:00:00Z).

Next Meeting