2021-02-23 Blender Rendering Meeting


  • Brecht Van Lommel (Blender)
  • Kévin Dietrich (Blender)
  • Jeroen Bakker (Blender)
  • Clément Foucault (Blender)
  • Patrick Mours (NVIDIA)
  • Stefan Werner (Tangent)
  • Sergen Eren (Tangent)
  • Brian Savery (AMD)
  • Thomas Arcila (AMD)
  • Edoardo Dominici (Tangent)
  • Juan Gea Rodriguez




  • Stefan mentions features under development at Tangent, Brecht would be happy to see patches to contribute these to master.
    • Volume motion blur
    • Velocity + acceleration motion blur, using attributes to fill in motion steps. Brecht mentions it would be helpful to make Blender itself work this way also for fluids, Alembic, etc. To create standard velocity and acceleration vector attributes that any modify or geometry node can output and that renderers understand.
  • Stefan will commit his merge of latest Blender changes into Cycles standalone into the main repository.
  • Point cloud rendering: still needs Brecht to find out reason for performance regression on GPU rendering before this can be committed, but expected to be ready for 2.93 release.
  • AMD Radeon Image Filtering: close to ready, Brecht had some issue testing but was probably mistake in setup, will look into it again. Viewport denoising also to be enabled still.
  • Brian mentions AMD RIF also supports upscaling, this would be a good feature to support for viewport and final renders in Blender.
  • General attribute rendering support added as part of Geometry nodes project.


  • Clément improved Ambient Occlusion, including support for Distance and Inside options in the AO node.
  • For 2.93 most of the features are in, Clément’s focus will be mostly on stabilizing and bugfixing, and to start on changes for Blender 3.0.
  • Python GPU module was extended by Germano to be more complete. The plan is to drop the BGL module for Blender 3.0, regardless if we ship with Vulkan support, since that’s a release when we can do big API breaking changes. A devtalk topic will be created to gather feedback and coordinate porting of add-ons to move away from BGL.
  • Geometry nodes:
    • Needs general attribute rendering, currently being looked into by Jacques with help from Clément.
    • Workbench attribute visualization in the viewport also will be worked on at some point.

Practical Info

This is a weekly video chat meeting for planning and discussion of Blender rendering development. Any contributor (developer, UI/UX designer, writer, …) working on rendering in Blender is welcome to join and add proposed items to the agenda.

For users and other interested parties, we ask to read the meeting notes instead so that the meeting can remain focused.

  • Agenda
  • Google Meet
  • Time: Tuesday 5 to 6 PM Amsterdam Time
  • Next Meeting: March 2, 2021