Tuesday Talks
Notes for module meetings of Tuesday, 10 November 2020.
Present: Dalai Felinto (all)
General Topics
- Last week review
Participant: Campbell Barton.
- Add Object
- The killing aspect of this feature is the previsualization plane.
- This is glitchy though.
- Campbell will move it to experimental.
- Snap base point patch is on going.
- Module development is hindering due to focus on bug fixing.
Nodes & Physics
Participants: Sebastian Parborg and Sebastián Barschkis.
- Sparse grid is the current priority for the mantaflow project.
- Viscosity is the next target.
- This is hard to estimate since it involves changes in mantaflow itself.
- It is in the agenda because it could be used in the Sprite project.
- Sebastian Parborg may join the geometry nodes project.
- New blog post about the Geometry Nodes project.
User Interface
Participant: Julian Eisel.
- Asset Browser pose library design to be presented today to Ton and Dalai.
- Julian plans to focus on Asset Browser.
Sculpt, Paint, Texture
Participant: Pablo Dobarro.
- New dynamic topology task
- Current module roadmap
- Dalai to contact icon contributor to help with the upcoming tools icons.
- Pablo to check with Joseph Eagar if his implementation of dynamic topology already handles the EEVEE sculpting needs (for UV)
Animation & Rigging
Participant: Sybren Stüvel.
- Previous meeting notes.
- The modules settled on a hard-limit of 10 TODO.
- The conversation was a bit short, but it will be continued next week.
VFX & Video
Participants: Sergey Sharybin, Richard Antalic.
- Media transform is in (rBe1665c3d31, D8393)
- Lowered memory consumption of cache of single image and color strips (rBd837923a562d D9462)
- Background rectangle option to video sequencer Text strip (rB235c309e5f86, D9468)
- The VSE project will re-evaluate the next week’s tasks to see where does the project states between milestone 1 and 2.
Ivan is working on Camera project mapping brush
- He has time but needs feedback from artists.
Data, Assets & I/O
Participant: Bastien Montagne.
- Overrides status
- Most request feature is to support baked cache in overriden data.
- Next in the agenda is NLA support.
Bastien proposes technical debts to be address next before any new project.
- Those are medium to small tasks that are on the way of development.
- Part of this is documentation of code architecture.
- This will be presented as a project.
- There seems to be little to none interest by contributors to help this area.
Grease Pencil
Participant: Antonio Vazquez (via email).
- The plan is to merge GSoC Bezier code Friday, November 13.
- The release notes will be ready also.
- Falk David is working in the user manual.