Tuesday Talks
Notes for module meetings of Tuesday, 8 September 2020.
Present: Dalai Felinto (all)
General Topics
User Interface
Participants: Julian Eisel, Pablo Vazquez.
- Status
high priority,49
unclassified -
Ca 170
- Last week review
- No issue was classified.
- The focus was classified as known issue.
- Properties search
- It is ready for review.
- The design needs to be signed off.
- Google Summer of Code
- Custom menu may be fine (as per Campbell according to Julian)
- Outliner work is being reviewed.
- Asset browser
- Test builds available.
- Next step:
- Supporting multiple custom repositories.
- Drag to create local assets.
- Followups:
Classify 20 issues this week.
Update roadmap image.
Patch review discussion for other week.
☐ Get approval for the search property.
Participants: Campbell Barton.
- Status
high priority,9
unclassified -
- Last week review
- The last week’s high priority bug can be fixed by reverting a commit, but this will introduce a regression.
- Campbell to talk to Clément to green light a temporary workaround while Clément find the real fix.
- The potential UV developers won’t be able to be involved.
- The original plans for Germano:
- Transform: Make ‘Absolute Grid Snapping’ a new Snap Mode
- Snap to Grid in Perspective View performed only at ground level.
- Snap Gizmo for the Knife Tool
- Fast mesh editing
- The (new) goal is to allow basic mesh editing in high poly objects (superior than the original goal of 2.7 performance).
- The plan is still the same, to avoid redudant calculations.
- Followups:
☐ High priority bug assigned to Campbell.
☐ Meeting about snap future
- With Campbell, Dalai, Daniel and Germano.
- Proposal Thursday Sep 8, 14h CEST.
- Campbell will confirm with everyone.
Python & Add-ons
Participants: Campbell Barton.
- Status
high priority,0
unclassified -
- Last week review
- Issues classifed.
- Followups:
☐ Remove Addons Community from Python module queries.
☐ “Close” 10 bugs (move to known issue, untag or fix it).
Render & Cycles
Participants: Brecht Van Lommel
- Status
high priority,17
unclassified -
> 50
- A few things under active development, Brecht will review:
- Cycles API patches
- Attributes rendering
- NanoVDB
- Principled emission strength
- Recruiting
- Cycles needs more involved developers (Brecht is splitting his time with the Chief Architect duties).
- The team will scout potential candidates to help reviewing patches, bug fixes and small projects.
- Followups:
☐ Still contact AMD regarding driver bugs.
☐ Next-next week properly tag Cycles patches.
Sculpt, Paint, Texture
Participants: Pablo Dobarro, Julien Kaspar.
- Status
high priority,24
- Last week review
- ☐ Start the profiling for performance.
- ☐ Initial design for brush management.
- Brush management
- The current design task needs mockups
- Trimming tools
- Release notes not ready together with the tool.
- Icons
- Issue to be solved - needs contributor to help with icons.
- At the very least the icons missing task should be update.
- Features with no icon to be hidden under experimental.
- Design tasks for the next projects:
- Followups:
☐ New task with profiling findings and reproduceable files and get Sergey to help pinpoint the potential issues.
☐ Update on the pending performance tasks with the current state.
☐ Mockups for the brush management.
☐ Advance data layer discussions.
Animation & Rigging
Participants: Sybren Stüvel, Luciano Muñoz
- Status
- 13 bugs, 1 high priority, 5 unclassified
- 24 patches
- High priority bug has a patch for it and is under control.
- Last week review
Facemap wasn’t investigated further - postponed for next week.
- Probably to be removed or hidden.
Facemap wasn’t investigated further - postponed for next week.
- Module is in maintenance mode.
- The module lacks stackholder developers.
- Mainly high priority bugs.
- Patches are still welcome.
- No future roadmap.
- Demeter is working on Rigify improvements.
- Sybren has been cleaning up a bit of ‘Set Parent’ code.
- Followups:
Be upfront about the module state (maintaince) in the module page. (Sybren)
☐ Look at the facemap roadmap/future. (Sybren)
Nodes & Physics
Participants: Brecht Van Lommel, Jacques Lucke, Sebastián Barschkis.
- Status
high priority,13
unclassified -
- Last week review
- Liquid simulation GSoC review still ongoing. Still in the agenda.
- Hair project started plan of attack upcoming
- Particle design discussions
- Followups:
☐ “Close” 30 bugs (move to known issue, untag or fix it) (10 for Sebastián, 10 for Jacques, 10 for Sebastian).
☐ Hair plan of attack pre-presented (Dalai + Sebbas)
☐ Softbody GSoC meeting with Brecht and Parborg.
☐ Scout artist stakeholders (Sebbas)
VFX & Video
Participants: Sergey Sharybin, Richard Antalík.
- Status
- 41 bugs, 1 high priority, 3 unclassified
- 10 patches
- Last week review
- Compositor design is now in phabricator.
- Cache design seems to be agreed on, need to plan actual work. Hopefully Richard can easily do majority of needed modifications easily.
- Media transform tools patch will be tested/reviewed by Sergey and Francesco
- Compositor “relative space” code design has been moved to developer.b.o. The code work can start already.
- On-going discussion how to efficiently tackle Filmic for movie clips in viewport.
- Need to find a way to make review more efficient (reduce turn-around times, reduce time it takes to commit accepted patches).
- Followups:
☐ Filmic plan of attack: New documentation or stick to bottleneck approach (Dalai and Sergey)
☐ Revew code refactor T77580
EEVEE & Viewport
Participants: Clément Foucault, Jeroen Bakker.
- Status
high priority,29
unclassified -
- Clément to focus on the high priority bugs.
- “Vulkan”'s goal for 2.91 is reached already.
- No tangible benefits for users, low level project still for now.
- Image/UV editor: Patch in review (Jeroen)
- Testing + Documentation (Jeroen)
- Adding test cases to the Draw module (Jeroen)
- Adding test cases to the GPU module (Jeroen)
- Adding documentation for GPU/Drawing (Jeroen)
- AOV patch has low priority due to the current issues in master. (Jeroen)
- The patch needs to be converted to the new EEVEE materials
- AOV API needs to be streamlined with render/cycles.
- Followups:
☐ Still classify 20 issues. (Clément)
☐ Still check with Andy Goralczyk the feature film requirements topics. (Clément)
☐ Documentation for color management for the background images in the viewport (Jeroen).
☐ Update the module roadmap (Clément).
Data, Assets & I/O - USD/Alembic
Participants: Sybren Stüvel
- Status
- 0 bugs, 0 high priority, 0 unclassified
- 2 (Alembic) and 1 (USD) patches
- Alembic Object Data Instance support has just landed in master.
- Alembic custom properties.
- Followups:
☐ Review GSoC fast I/O project see if it should make into 2.91 (Sybren)
☐ Find good demo files to promote the “finished” exporter (Sybren)
☐ Find how (and whether) to promote the Alembic exporter (Dalai)
Grease Pencil
Participants: Antonio Vazquez.
- Status
high priority,9
unclassified -
- Classification
- Some bugs were in a unclear state.
- Most of them were now tagged as viewport.
- Main week plan is preparing patch:
- Material masking (i.e., open holes).
- Mesh convertion improvements.
- Waiting for the libraries (potrace and the other).
- SVG grease pencil add-on sent for review.
- Crash BLI_polyfill_calc to be fixed (using BLI_polyfill_calc_arena)
- Followups:
☐ Create a new task for the BLI_polyfill_calc. (Antonio)
☐ Still update roadmap image to include bezier, and render pass (2.93). (Matias)
☐ Next week: design discussion with Brecht about line art and compositing lead to