Tuesday Talks
Notes for module meetings of Tuesday, 15 September 2020.
Present: Sergey Sharybin (all)
General Topics
Render & Cycles
Participants: Brecht Van Lommel.
- Status
high priority,18
unclassified -
> 50
- Last week review
- Brecht started looking into AMD bugs
- Started review:
- Cycles API patches
- Attributes rendering
- Principled emission strength
- Plan:
- Keep revieweing patches, get them for 2.91
- Next week properly tag Cycles patches
Participants: Campbell Barton.
- Status
high priority,11
unclassified -
- Last week review
High priority bug assigned to Campbell has been fixed!
Meeting about snap future
- There are features Germano plans to work on. The task is coming
- Follow-ups
- Put snap features to a Phabricator task
- Campbell will add his own tasks to 2.91 workboard
- Add object feedback from Daniel #57210 - Add Object Tools Todo - blender - Blender Projects (work on this).
Python & Add-ons
Participants: Campbell Barton.
- Status
high priority,2
unclassified -
- Last week review
“Close” 10 bugs (move to known issue, untag or fix it)
- Took more time than expected (fixed 11, closed 2).
- Some of them were regressions since 2.83, candidate for corrective 2.90 if any
- Follo-ups
- ☐ Remove Addons Community from Python module queries (still some work needed)
- Mainly done for a while
User Interface
Participants: Julian Eisel, Hans Goudey
- Status
high priority (fix accepted, pending commit),26
unclassified -
- Last week review
Classify 20 issues this week.
Update roadmap image.
Patch review discussion for other week.
- Asset Browser
- Properties Search
- Almost there, some minor things to finish
- Outliner GSoC
- 2 of 10 patches are in, 5-6 are ready to go
- Missing Icons
- Agreement is to not expose tools without icons
- Need an icon designer? Hans is coordinating contributions.
- Bcon2 changes (FModifier layout, Graph Editor active keyframe, data-block selector)
- Need to confirm all of them are fine
- Plan of attack for reverting (or not) some of the rushed changes from recent releases.
- Need Dalai’s input on this.
- Neither Julian nor Hans can think of topics to be discussed here.
- Notifications, maybe (moved from center to side)?
- Followups:
- ☐ Get approval for the search property.
- ☐ Julian wants to finish some tasks, get back to assets
- ☐ Hans needs review of his patches on both user and code level
Sculpt, Paint, Texture
Participants: Pablo Dobarro.
- Status
high priority,23
- Last week review
- ☐ New task with profiling findings and reproduceable files and get Sergey to help pinpoint the potential issues.
- Performance task T80608, still need to be done
Update on the pending performance tasks with the current state.
- ☐ Mockups for the brush management.
- Pablo is still working
- Hopefully SVG toolkit with full mocup
Advance data layer discussions.
- T80609
- ☐ New task with profiling findings and reproduceable files and get Sergey to help pinpoint the potential issues.
Workflow with multiple objects
- Planned for Bcon2
- Viewpoer patches (related to overlay) need attention from viewport team
Sculpting Using EEVEE
- Need to go through patches, give final quick go-nogo call
Stroke Performance
- Sergey and Brecht will go deep investigation and discussion on Wednesday, with outcome being the plan of attack.
Mesh/Grids datalayer management
- Needs review
Tilt Support
- Works for Pablo’s Wacom tablet. But not sure it is battle-ready yet
- Keep it experimental, see if it works for many people
Fast navigate
- For now it should be fine
- In the future it might be that stroke is faster than full redraw (partial updates i.e.)
- Need review
- Followups:
- Pablo will look into visibility high priority bug (T80771)
- Pablo need help with the undo high priority bug (T71759)
- Sergey will look into skeleton for removal of Simple Subdivide (D8436), to make the patch advance forward more efficiently.
- Julian and Sergey will review the line stroke patch (D8722)
Animation & Rigging
Participants: Sybren Stüvel
- Status
high priority,8
unclassified -
- Last week review
Be upfront about the module state (maintaince) in the module page 7.
Look at the facemap roadmap/future. Face Maps needs a developer to move it forward and actually make a proper overall design for it. Should be moved to an experimental feature.
- Patches Sybren would like in Blender 2.91:
- D8752: Graph Editor : Fix for f-curves limitation (already landed)
- D7437: Add Custom Space to Constraints (still lacks simple example, and UI could use polishing/clarification)
- D8287: Bugfix: NLA: Transition to Meta Strip Incorrect Evaluation (already landed)
- D8022: Action Constraint: Add manual time factor input control (will simplyify rigs, needs some discussion)
- Followups
Add Julian as reviewer to D7437.
- Hide Face Map UI (mesh properties panel) as an experimental feature.
- Longer term: have clear design of the face map feature written down.
Nodes & Physics
Participants: Sebastián Barschkis
- Status
high priority,11
unclassified -
- Last week review
- ☐ “Close” 30 bugs (move to known issue, untag or fix it) (10 for Sebastián, 10 for Jacques, 10 for Sebastian, did not happen).
- ☐ Hair plan of attack pre-presented (Dalai + Sebbas, got postponed).
- ☐ Softbody GSoC meeting with Brecht and Parborg (did not happen).
- ☐ Scout artist stakeholders (Sebbas. did not happen)
- Followups
- Liquid GSoC will be merged soon
VFX & Video
*Participants: Sergey Sharybin, Richard Antalík
- Status
- 43 bugs, 1 high priority, 4 unclassified
- 10 patches
- Last week review
- ☐ Filmic plan of attack: New documentation or stick to bottleneck approach (Dalai and Sergey, did not happen :()
Revew code refactor T77580
- Initial pass of the refactor review. Simpler approach will be suggested at the meeting. Will be written in the code review (D8492).
- The cache plan of attack was reviewed by Segrey, seems fine.
- Follow-up
- Revierw media trabsform (Sergey and Francesco)
- Sergey will help with past scale-down algorithm than
EEVEE & Viewport
*Participants: Clément Foucault, Jeroen Bakker
- Status
high priority,27
unclassified -
- Last week review
Still classify 20 issues. (Clément)
Still check with Andy Goralczyk the feature film requirements topics. (Clément)
- Cryptomatte is what is needed. Need someone to tackle it.
- ☐ Documentation for color management for the background images in the viewport (Jeroen, slowly happening!).
Update the module roadmap (Clément).
- Bug Fixing, Stabilizing
- Documentation
- Need decision on whether D2057 goes to 2.91
needs to be replaced withpygpu
(which needs update)- Germano was working on it (D8826)
- Next weeks is bugfixing and documenting
- All features planned for 2.91 is already in master
Data, Assets & I/O
Participants: Sybren Stuvel.
- Status
high priority,5
unclassified -
- Last week review
- Review GSoC fast I/O project see if it should make into 2.91 (Sybren; review started but too many comments to merge now)
- Find good demo files to promote the “finished” Alembic exporter (Sybren; asked interested parties in #50725 - Alembic export doesn't take 'Custom Properties', as alembic non-standard data. - blender - Blender Projects for examples, but no files so far)
- Find how (and whether) to promote the Alembic exporter (Dalai)
Grease Pencil
Participants: ?.
- Status
high priority,3
unclassified -
- Last week review
Create a new task for the BLI_polyfill_calc. (Antonio)
- ☐ Still update roadmap image to include bezier, and render pass (2.93). (Matias)
Next week: design discussion with Brecht about line art and compositing lead to
- Still waiting for the libraries (potrace and the other, Ray will commit needed changes to master, platform maintainers will pick it up afterwards
*). - For 2.91:
- Import SVG add-on (on review)
- Trace images (pending potrace)
- Holdout material (pending-related to trace)
- For 2.92:
- Prepare patch for SVG export/Bezier Curves
- and Talk about new render passes
- Line Art is 2.92/2.93
- Needs to be reviewed
- Bezier is GSoC code: Matias and Daniel are testing, Falk is working on fixes