@Uriel_Deveaud The main problem here isn’t the lack of interesting ideas or submitting patches, the problem is to get patches with new ideas actually committed. In order to get it committed, you’ll have to convince the hired BF devs Sergey and F. Siddi. ISS is doing 99% of the work in the VSE module, but apparently, does not have deciding power on new features. Take notice on how much time and work Pistolario have put into the audio development, without getting a clear answer on the EQ is a wanted feature or not. Basically the only way to get a new feature into the VSE is by finding a feature in another Blender editor and then implement it into the VSE, because consistency is king. But anything outside of this or things needing a new UI design are bound to be dead-end, because there is no UI lead(afaik), and therefore no one to decide on UI changes.
What I’m trying to say is that even though audio nodes would be wonderful to have, it is going to be a long and winding road, which properly will lead to nothing, which is why I suggested that you used your enthusiasm and coding talents to help out with the work of Pistolario, since he has achieved to get some positive dev attention for his audio project and let things build from there.
@pistolario I’m not sure what the conclusions of your latest post here are? Is it back to square one? Is Sergey that unhappy with the UI of your EQ patch, that he is requesting you to start all over with the proposal yet again(if it is, it’s my fault, sorry)? Or is it a general request for additional audio features, to start with proposals that include UI?
In previous years neXyon had a suggestion for an audio GSoC project, but no one stepped up, and I can’t find the suggestion anymore. The trouble with a GSoC project for audio is that neXyon & ISS would have to mentor it(and get S. & F.D. to okay it) , so you would have to try to convince them in investing the time in it. The deadline for GSoC is the 19th of April: Blender has been accepted for GSoC 2022 - #9 by ThomasDinges GSoC - Blender Developer Wiki