UV Editing

A couple more observations:

  • 2D curson doesn’t snap
  • Need a grid in the UV editor

I also really miss a button to hide the background image texture but apparently this is quite contentious issue

Switch which can show UV grid and ignore material list on a model.

Its on RCS: https://blender.community/c/rightclickselect/gFdbbc/


we need to bring this back,
its really important for 3d game artist, since we rely on UV A lot. any game artist in daily passes will use UV. so its serious need to be improve specially the sync.

one I notice this topic

also this

with nice comment explain all the issue

we need to bring back to be active as high priority.

Yeah, there are a lot of idiotic things about blender’s UV workflow.

One of the things which would IMO make huge difference is to remove the UV/3D view sync button, and have it always sync the selection. This would also mean that the island selection mode in UV editor would have to remain there with sync enabled, but I do not understand why it isn’t that way already. Technically, there’s absolutely nothing that would prevent UV editor island selection to be directly translated (and synchronized) to 3D view face selection.

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