The 8 projects, students and mentors

Yiming Wu will be working on Continued development on LANPR engine for Blender.
Mentors: Sebastian Parborg, Clement Foucault

Quentin MATILLAT will be working on Intel Embree BVH for GPU.
Mentors: Sergey Sharybin, Stefan Werner

Omar Ahmad will be working on Improve Cycles/EEVEE For Procedural Content Creation.
Mentors: Jacques Lucke, Brecht Van Lommel

Nathan Craddock will be working on Outliner Improvements.
Mentors: Campbell Barton, Brecht Van Lommel

Julian Eisel will be working on Core Support of Virtual Reality Headsets through OpenXR.
Mentors: Dalai Felinto, Sebastian Koenig

Ish Hitesh Bosamiya will be working on Cloth Simulator Improvement.
Mentors: Brecht Van Lommel, Jeroen Bakker

Hugo Sales will be working on Fast Import / Export for OBJ, STL and PLY formats.
Mentor: Jacques Lucke, Sybren Stüvel

Hans Goudey will be working on Bevel Custom Profiles.
Mentors: Howardt Trickey, Rohan Rathi


The full proposals will be copied to Blender’s wiki in the coming weeks. Check this url:

For daily communication about the projects we will use this forum and the new website.


On Blender Chat let’s use the #blender-coders channel for GSoC.


I’m observing how some gsoc developers are presenting their projects on devtalk asking some advice to the users …
And the users immediately took action to give advice and opinions, trying to collaborate on their possibilities.
This is amazing.
With the Blender 2.8 experience and now looking at the new self-organizing steps, it is fascinating to see how powerful this Social-Engineering movement is.
:fire: :two_hearts::bulb: