But I’m not saying that this is the best place for statistics. ))
Perhaps there are more elegant solutions.
Easy to use? Am I saying that you need to make it harder? ))) You are right.
Let’s produce guitars with a single string. It is easier. ))) Or pianos with one key. It is more comfortable. ))) Do you understand? )))
Computer graphics is not easy. Is blender a computer graphics product? Or is it a program for schoolchildren to press buttons like in video lessons to consider themselves cooler? )))
How did you learn blender? On video tutorials from YouTube? ))))) Used gizmos? ))))
Okay, I hope you are not angry and you know what I mean.
Hi, how can i scroll horizontally?. when I press R (rotate in edit mode) scroll fail. I tried it without any result… (blender 2.93.1)
That is what I meant.
When you don’t start a modal operator ; you can scroll in status bar, pressing MMB if window is small and scene statistics, memory, blender version are displayed in status bar.
But at moment, you start a modal operator ; you can not, anymore.
As a result, Status Bar is not useful when it is needed (scrolling in this bar is not possible when a modal operator with too many shortcuts to be displayed on the width of window is used.)
In general, it would be nice to be able to configure the status bar. By type time format string.
Like this:
\ p - hints
\ s - statistics