[SOLVED] 2.90 headless rendering ignoring script selecting GPUs. Falls back on the CPU

Hey guys, I’m at my wit’s end so if anyone has an idea, you would be a life saver. I am trying to render a scene using a Dockerized Blender in headless mode using the following command:

docker run --gpus all --ipc=host -v /mnt/vol_b/blender_input:/volume/blender_input -v /mnt/vol_b/blender_output:/volume/output nytimes/blender:2.90-gpu-ubuntu18.04 blender -b /volume/blender_input/water_sim.blend -E CYCLES -P /volume/blender_input/device_select.py -s 110 -e 380 -a --verbose -1 --log-level -1

The issue faced here is that Blender seems to ignore the script “device_select.py” which selects all of the GPUs and deactivate the CPUs.

The script device_select.py

import re
import bpy
import time
from datetime import datetime
scene = bpy.context.scene
scene.cycles.device = 'GPU'
print("~~~~~> scene device: {}".format(scene.cycles.device))
prefs = bpy.context.preferences
cprefs = prefs.addons['cycles'].preferences
cuda, opencl = cprefs.get_devices()
print("~~~~~> cprefs: {}".format(cprefs))
print("~~~~~> cuda devices: {}".format(cuda))
for compute_device_type in ('CUDA'):
    cprefs.compute_device_type = compute_device_type
    print('~~~~~> compute device found type set', compute_device_type)
  except TypeError:
for device in cuda:
    print('~~~~~> Activating', device)
    device.use = (device.type != 'CPU')
    print("~~~~~> device {} usage status: {}".format(device, device.use))

for device in opencl:
    print('~~~~~> Deactivating', device)
    device.use = (device.type != 'CPU')
    print("~~~~~> device {} usage status: {}".format(device, device.use))

Here’s all the things I verified and confirmed are:

  • The cuda drivers are properly loaded in the docker container
  • I tested with a different project (simple default cube project) and I get the same results
  • I loaded and tried different versions of blender using the following containers nytimes/blender:2.83-gpu-ubuntu18.04, and nytimes/blender:2.91-gpu-ubuntu18.04 with the same problem
  • Blender runs fine otherwise and renders properly on CPU
  • The script print the modifications made before launching the animation render and the parameters are as expected

If you when to take a look at the dockerfile, you can find it at rd-blender-docker/Dockerfile at master · nytimes/rd-blender-docker · GitHub

Any ideas, even small ones would be appreciated.


Is your script doing what you think it’s doing? Testing in the python console, lets consider the first for loop:

>>> for compute_device_type in ('CUDA'):
...     cprefs.compute_device_type = compute_device_type
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<blender_console>", line 2, in <module>
TypeError: bpy_struct: item.attr = val: enum "C" not found in ('NONE', 'CUDA', 'OPENCL')

>>> for compute_device_type in ('CUDA'):
...     print(compute_device_type)


My take is that you are looping through all the characters in ‘CUDA’ and getting a TypeError exception each time, on which you pass. So nothing happens except the unraveling begins.

Perhaps try:

>>> for compute_device_type in ['CUDA']:
...     print(compute_device_type)

instead. In other words, list semantics instead of tuple.
That is, through the parentheses, you are inadvertently converting the string ‘CUDA’ into the four element tuple (‘C’, ‘U’, ‘D’, ‘A’) and iterating over that. See Built-in types: tuple at docs.python.org.

I’m a bit bemused by this first for loop. Why doesn’t a simple assignment turn the trick for you?
Good luck!

Well, your diagnosis is AFAIK correct, but the explaination is not. ('CUDA') isn’t a tuple, it’s just a value in parantheses.
>>> type( (“CUDA”) )
<class ‘str’>
But str is an iterable, iterating over it yields one character at a time.

on the other hand (note the trailing comma) is a tuple and would work just like a list.

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I want to thank both of you @grosgood and @ws01 for pinpointing the issue. I was indeed using a tuple initially until I removed all the value except for CUDA (which also explains why there is a loop). I feel really dumb for missing this. For anyone googling and stumbling on this post, I cleaned up the code and now use the following script:

import bpy
scene = bpy.context.scene
scene.cycles.device = 'GPU'
print("---> scene device: {}".format(scene.cycles.device))
prefs = bpy.context.preferences
cprefs = prefs.addons['cycles'].preferences
cuda, opencl = cprefs.get_devices()
print("---> cprefs: {}".format(cprefs))
print("---> cuda devices: {}".format(cuda))

cprefs.compute_device_type = 'CUDA'
print('---> compute device type set to', cprefs.compute_device_type)

for device in opencl:
    print('---> Deactivating', device)
    device.use = False
    print("---> device {} usage status: {}".format(device, device.use))

for device in cuda:
    print('---> Activating', device)
    device.use = (device.type != 'CPU')
    print("---> device {} usage status: {}".format(device, device.use))

Bingo! I stand corrected. And welcome to the board!

Thanks! :slight_smile: