Shift click to create overrides on objects not working

Hi there,

yesterday there was a commit ( rB8aa094263b91 ) to fix the creation of overrides on modifiers by shift clicking on the “chain” icon.
This is working (again) now, but I noticed that the shift click workflow to override linked data blocks isn’t working with e.g. objects, at least not how the popover promises.
A simple scene where I link a simple cube from another blend file:


If I hover over the chain icon it says “…Shift + Click to create a library override”. Awesome, but If I shift click it nothing happens.

If I instead right-click on the object in the Outliner and use “Library Overrides > Make > Selected” it works and does exactly what I would expect from shift clicking the icon.
Is this an oversight?

Hi @SteffenD , could you report it at Bug tracker?
or maybe we could ask directly to @mont29

OK thanks, I’ll file a bug then.

EDIT: Done ⚓ T100476 Shift click to create overrides on objects not working

We can now close this post: rBc3757504233ab7b1dca7102bb9239423d6419efc

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