Dears Devs, i wish you an happy new years first.
i want ask you if the shader editor have a date for an eventually rewrite for add some supports like:
- Node preview for individual Node
- Add some nodes like :
< –
– Image Layer (imput in the order change the layers order)
– Time Node and other similar
– Edit topology with material like UE
And many mores…
→ - Cache system
- Improve performance
- showing list node when you drop the wire in blank space
etc etc…and many more features
i know i seen an topic in the past talking about the SHADER EDITOR need a big refresh but i don’t know where is it… This is for that i made this topic and clearly because i don’t find anything in the
Thanks you
Note for moderator : is not an idea my idea was submitted on this topic ! : Right-Click Select — Blender Community Is a topic for talk about the advance and some features for Shader editor improvement / Rewrite with the Devs. Not with “Members idea community”