Preface, for me “Parallel Loops” and “Serial Loops” is the way to go.
Or alternatively , if “Repeat” gets choosen, just go for “Serial Repeat” and “Parallel Repeat”.
To me, as already mentioned, Loop and Repeat can be safely considered synonyms.
Using both of them is just confusing , just pick one and distinguish between serial and parallel/concurrent.
Well , it is still a loop , but parallel or concurrent , the same operation gets done many times (one per element) but there is no guarantee on the order of execution of each iteration.
That’s why it must be used in cases where there is no dependency between each iteration’s result, hence it can be parallelized taking advantage of multithreading.
In an ideal world it gets processed once (as you said) for every element of the geometry, but in reality, there probably are many batches of parallel iterations , each batch is executed in sequence. But there is no guarantee of which one gets executed first.
Yes, with fields (AFAIK, devs, correct me if I’m wrong)
We are always in a loop, a parallel loop infact. Parallel loops are supposed to do exactly the same operations in the same ways of built in GN nodes, but you can do your custom ones with more or less the same efficiency.
Even if GN aren’t like other languages, they still are a language in a sense, and to me it’s worth using some common words already well known in the coding world. For example, in unity c# , you are almost always in a loop by default. But that’s not a reason not to use loops inside the main execution loop, and not referring to the for construct as a “loop” in the documentation.
I see the point of Artists not familiar with the coding jargon, I’ve been on the other side before studying software engineering, but I’m still convinced that since GN is basically a visual programming language, it should use programming words, maybe well documented and with good tooltips for those who are not familiar with coding.