RTX GPU Support

Ah OK, is there a windows version anywhere?


If I recall correctly, @pablovazquez mentioned in his last Blender Today livestream that RTX support probably won’t happen this year.


It really isn’t hard. It took me a few hours to set up and get 2.8 compiled, and I had never seen Blender’s source before. Here’s the instructions.

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There is a fix to get the linux version working on windows 10.
Check the comments on the linux forum post.

Thanks, for all the help.

I think he may refer to not happening in Blender 2.8, but since Nvidia spoke with Ton about this, and they are interested, I bet it will happen soon after 2.8 release, maybe even while in Beta with 2.81 or something similar (or… maybe he was referring to “this year” as 2018… in wich case… yes… it won´t happen “this year” hehehe )


Any news ? did a dev who work on cycles said anything about this subject ?

i bought two 2080ti , i want to know if this was a good investement or not …

visibly vray , octane , redshift , unreal engine , adobe and pixar are on the hype train , i think we couldsee this technology implemented inside of blender in the near future, both in eevee , cycles , and AI tech inside of blender

Cycles will support running on this GPU, we just need to find a bit of time for it. For RTX hardware raytracing support I can’t promise any specific plans, but we would like to have it.


The Optix denoiser running on realtime on renderman is really something amazing…

No more noise even when interacting with the viewport (eventually).
Hopefully this will come to cycles someday.

Nvidia added the optix shared libs to the driver, sadly they did not include the denoiser, so can’t really use it in blender as of right now due to the required closed source binary redistributable

well… we can use it in form of addon AFAIK, Remington Graphics is doing it already :slight_smile:

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Guys does " well integrated version of optix for cycles" means a deep support for rtx cards and their rt cores ? Or this is two separate things ?


It seems so…

From Nvidia´s website:

Developers can access NVIDIA RTX ray tracing through the NVIDIA OptiX application programming interface, through Microsoft’s DirectX Raytracing API (DXR) and Vulkan, the new generation, cross-platform graphics standard from Khronos Group.

And another quote from ther site:

The OptiX API is an application framework that leverages RTX Technology to achieve optimal ray tracing performance on the GPU

If cycles get optix ray tracing In the official branch of blender I think that the AI optix denoizer from Grant will be part of a main branch too

We can reasonably use the OptiX raytracing API because it’s part of the graphics driver similar to the OpenGL, for which the GPL has an exception. The Optix denoiser however is unlikely to be ever bundled with Blender, due to GPL incompatibility.

Nope, they are working in the Raytracing Acceleration, not the AI Denoiser, and as LazyDodo said, if it´s not GPL compatible it would be available as Addon, but that´s it.


same for a potential real time ray tracing for eevee ? :frowning:

Yes, it’s the same licensing situation for EEVEE.



ton just tweet otherwise


redshift is faster because it’s a bias renderer and have his unified sampling method etc,

when Ton say " an integrated version for cycles is being worked on " by who it’s being worked on ?