Top voted node related task in right click select
“add more noise type”
283 votes in a year, top 2
“Automatic search after dragging a noodle”
173 votes in 9 month,top 9
(i’d like to highlight the fact that it could be cool if we dont break the actual shift a + two letters workflow)
Parralax occlusion mapping node
“only a marging of users will use (Parallax)” but still on the top rated rcs idea hu okay okay i’ll stop insisting stop killing my dream please
111 votes in 10 month, top 22
also another topic below with 40 votes with the same demand
“using picker outsite of blender”
76 votes
(i related this to the node editor because its painly use there)
related to the color picker also with 52 posts
basically custom plalette support + blackbody integration
also related at 48 upvotes, color harmonies function for the colorpicker
“Spline Info Node”
75 votes
“2D Preview Procedural Textures Inside Nodes”
65 votes
basically having the the preview back like the texture node editor, amazing
same idea just few upvotes below
presets for the colorramp
53 votes, why not importing own colorramp images like in world machine? this feature is amazing
related few post below,
users also want improvements for the colorramp with 42 upvotes
and 39
more cleaer pickers
Nodal baking, post of mine
basically baking the texture through the node system as an output node and re-using the node directly after for vram optimisation and easier baking. this also play the role of a kind-of cache system
adaptive math node
at 39 votes
more node group creation options
Related to the node group
At 27 upvotes we have a another nodegroupe proposition
For the nodegroup i think that it’s quite sad that some parameters like XYZ rot/scalding/transfo aren’t avaible inside of a group,
Same with color ramp, no way of interacting with it in a nodegroup.
at 39 votes post of mine,
basically syncing the image editor with the selected image texture in the node for quicker workflows
ive also seen a cool post that propose presets for bid nodes like the princripled BSDF
basically having a little preset menu on the top of the node like in the proprety editor
cant find the post anymore
Histogram overlay in color ramp and curve nodes - proposal
random seed
Comments of mine about some general improvements:
its kind of frustrating that some nodes are exclusive to the compositor and texture editor and other to te texture editor, why not giving us hue correct/ color correct/ color balance/ blur node/ sharpen nodes for the shader editor? i understand that some nodes are exclusive and we can’t do nothing about it, but some consistencies between the three editors would be nice. The code is already Written it’s basically done. Same nodes through all the three editors when we can.
highlight the Flow of the node like substance designer.
having colored wires as an option every wire from vector to vector are blue, from image to image are yellow, shader to shader green… ect
This could improve visibility.
fusionning the texture editor, world editor, brush editor together as outputs in the shader editor. This may be controversial, but look at lights, they share the same editor as shaders and it work perfectly fine, no need to have a « lights editor » it will require a rethink of how we access the different shaders, i can do a mock up if necessary.
Comments of others about some general node improvements:
- Time/Frame node, an idea that could be expanded to a whole Scene info node if needed