Due to changes (or breakdowns) in the logic of collections, a number of problems appeared that made it impossible to work properly:
1. If you take some objects from different collections and switch to isolation mode:
A. Switching between collections/layers via hotkeys (1, 2, 3) does not work.
And this is very important when you need to do a retopo, and you need to see the highpoly model, or lowpoly model, constantly switching between collections.
B. if you switch to a collection that is not in isolation, objects in isolation become non-editable. Although, you can go to edit mode.
2. If you hide objects on different collections, unhide makes them visible not only on the active collection, but on all of them.
3. If you select an object on one collection, then switch to another collection and go into edit mode, the blender goes into edit mode for an object that we don’t even see!
This sometimes happens by accident and is very confusing, since you can no longer switch collections with hotkeys (1, 2, 3) in edit mode.
I understand that all this can be done with the mouse in the outliner, but this is nonsense!
All this used to work perfectly, starting with the first versions of the blender.
Why break it, what purpose does it serve? Consistent logic? But it breaks the entire pipeline!
Besides, if we make everything work the same regardless of open collections, why can’t I switch between them in isolation mode? Problems were added, and previous working tools broke down.