Particle Nodes UI

Awesome Thanks.
Nothing that couldn’t be done before:

But the potential will be near limitless.

Hi Jacques,I had a conversation with other users about rigging in Blender & your project, they kept mentioning that you recently made a refactoring to the function system so it’s not only for Particles, is there more to it or is it just a preliminary changes?

Hello, I may be missing something, but I dowloaded the december version of the Functions Branch and my particle nodes doesn’t have some of the nodes you’re showing here, like influences, such as turbulence, or the kill node. Am I doing something wrong?


You have to use the search function ctrl-a for all nodes. He doesn’t do the work to always update the ui scripts :slight_smile: It is a bit cumbersome but since there aren’t that many nodes yet after some time you will have remembered most of them anyway.

Yeah, I get that. But even by searching I can’t find lots of nodes. As if they were deleted. :frowning:

Have you downloaded that .blend from Drive and specified the path in User Preferences?


It worked! Thank you!

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@jacqueslucke do you plan to add fall off options into nodes, for instance on influences nodes?

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I can’t believe how easy it is to build deform modifiers now.
Well done @jacqueslucke!

@DimitriBastos inside this Blend is something like a Falloff node, could be changed so it would work with particles.


Can’t wait for nested Instances and the cache system, want to rebuild some mograph stuff from c4d :slight_smile:

I know there aren’t any plans for gpu acceleration for now, but I hope we will get there one day.


Wow. What’s happening here? :grinning:

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I’d love to see the insides

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Just download the file :slight_smile:

Didn’t see that, cheers !


My knowledge on this subject (BParticles) is almost zero, even though I do have some experience with Animation Nodes. However, by taking a look at your file I can’t understand really well what’s going on. Do you have any tips on how to approach the particle nodes?

Because there is no documentation at the moment, you have to try it out to learn how it works.
Just play with the newest release and import the group node library.

Have a look at this file, it’s a basic mortar setup with three particle systems. I framed some nodes so it is easier to read.

The nodes with a (G) in the name are groups, you can dive into them with tab.
Look and try to plug nodes in and out to see what they are doing.
If you have any questions, feel free to pm me.


Amazing. Thank you so much. Unfortunatelly, your file crashes Blender immediately. Don’t bother taking a look at it, I will try to learn more about BParticles. :smiley:

Hope to add rotation, basic collisions, group instances, and basic cluster functions.

Are you on windows? You have to make sure to use the last build from 28 dezember.

If you meant basic mesh collisions, they can already be done:

(Thanks, :sweat_smile:)

If you meant particles’ self-collisions, then I’m with you, eagerly waiting :slight_smile: But they’re not planned for the near future, so I wouldn’t hold my breath.

@jacqueslucke A quick question: are the following all the built-in particle attributes, or is there more?
Position, Velocity, Size, Birth Time, Color, Dead.


I think there are two reasons these files are crashing atm. In the function deform modifier example, you removed the other Group Input nodes that were in the default node tree. There is no error checking for that currently.
Furthermore, since you linked in some node groups from nodelib, their path will be wrong on another computer in most cases. When sharing files, it’s probably best to make all node groups local for now. That will have to change of course.

These are the attributes that all particles have atm:

Just noticed that I wanted to remove the “Emit Hook” think. This should only be present when particles are actually emitted from a surface.