New icons for Blender 2.8x

Maybe, although that would be a pun icon. I prefer icons that try, if at all possible, to actually communicate what they do. Something like Holdout is a little abstract but basically something with a hole in it I think could work?

Gosh! You do not make my life easy. Do You? :wink:
Do those icons have to be two-state pictograms? If so, what states are to be depicted?
By the way, use proper chain restriction icon, please - T26, V26

I will swap them out when the Outliner changes are made.

And sorry! :slight_smile:

thanks, that’s much better.

Hi guys,
I’ve noticed the upper icons of properties tabs icons are greyish/dimmed when inactive, and only full white when active. But the colored ones doesn’t follow this behavior and always are displayed with the same brightness no matter if its active or not.

Maybe would be nice to have the same inactive fade effect for all.



Yep. Active Tool icons follow this rule as well.

Here you go, icons not fully colored. Three colors instead of four


Personally I like the bright saturated icons because I think their main use is to serve as quick visual locators when you need to quickly find the section you want. The partially colored ones are pretty, but don’t really help me stab at the one I want.

I would suggest maybe changing the particle and physics icons to purple so they’re distinguished from the modifier and constraints. This would make those icons stand out more and avoids the run of four icons all the same color.

Having multiple icons with the same color really doesn’t help that much. If I want the constraints tab I can think, “oh, that’s blue, and it’s kinda roundish” and then I have to stop and think about which of the two adjacent icons that match those criteria is the one I want.

(what I really want is to be able to drag the width of the tabs until they turn into words :slight_smile:


i like your color palette on this one! Good job.


Is anybody else bothered by the shape of this icon?

What’s wrong with it? It looks perfect.


My only problem with that is that we have two similar icons one over other. But the shape? nop.


Just the partial coloring version


I really don’t like the two-color versions. However I definitely dig the pastel tones given by some of the people posting above. Especially important is removing that horrible red for materials (and also making World not be colored, since World isn’t just a material and it looks out of place, color-wise).


That’s just because of Windows’ window decorations.

8 posts were split to a new topic: Merging window title bar with tab region

This has now been addressed in master.

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Can color the first five icons now and add borders.




Awesomesauce. Hats off to Jeroen Bakker…


Is its opacity and width controlable?
I’m anxiously waiting for buildbot download…