More overrides for single objects and collections for the rendering engines

There is a need that I realized that is missing or otherwise it is not as simple as it should be to be implemented …

Doing some tests with the lights and the volumetric, I felt the need to want disability the volumetric effect for some lights, and I discovered that for the moment there is not a simple way to do it …

So from here I was reminded of the need to point out this lack … although I believe that you devs are already aware of this.

Actually, starting with it, I realized that it was necessary to be able to disable in every single object all the properties of the rendering engines, in a simpler way, as already happens for some local properties in the panel of “Viewport display”.
I think it should really be expanded this panel, or create a parallel panel for the “rendering display” …



There’s more … with the new collections, I think that these can have an even more advanced use, using collecrion as overriding the properties of objects, for the properties of materials and lights … for example, all the lights in a given collection, if some parameter overrides are activated in the lights, all those lights will have, that is, the same “power of light”

Or another example if we override a material to a collection, all the objects in The collection will have that material …
Or even override individual parameters of the materials, for example, override only the color base of all objects within the collection … and so you will have many objects with different materials and structures, but with only in common the basic color …


imagine what you could do with this and being able to manage animations …
how much time would you save …

there is a lot to expand in this …
please, please, add this power bruteforce accessible with simplicity…

More in addition…
I imagine it is possible becomes and useful in expansion …

For example, these overrides collections for materials, could automatically create collections of nodes … since it is about rendering …
Thus passing to a manipulation via node, one would already have a basic structure ready …

In practice it is the use of “two processing languages” that give the same result … yes, the collection of objects and the collection of materials, would have a structure that could also travel together. something more in sync when it’s needed…

haha, it expands … in some cases you might have overrides of modifiers for the collections
(I’m right thinking in this moment, so I throw down what comes to mind …)

is there any will to have this need for future releases?

is this correlated with what I have tried to explain, or is it a project of a completely different nature?