Material slot label next to material name

It would be great if the materials could be assigned to objects with a named slot.

It would be even better if there was a library of materials that could be assigned. So I only have to create a glass, chrome, gold material once and just assign to a named slot on the object. Then the library material is cloned to the project for minor adjustment etc.

At the moment I have a number materials like gold, diamond and chrome etc… I would like to assign these to a named slot on my objects. Currently I have to clone the material and rename it to preserve a description of the part of the object I am assigning the material to. For example, a bike might have a chrome exhaust. I have to create a chrome material then clone to create a node group and assign it to the object as either the material name or the objects section name.

It would be great to have the material list with an index label.

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I’m voting this idea up! In architecture design, sometimes we need to assign the same material to different parts of a model (a wardrobe, for example) but only having the index may be confusing. Ideally, I would prefer being able to name an index “internal” and other “shelves”, because I may change the material to test multiple combinations (even if I end using the same material in both slots)

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