Low speed of this script - bpy.context.scene.frame_set

Why can’t we say something like this?
a.location[0].x = a.location.x + 1

Why call it all the time?

Below is a fully working code. I attach it to you as an example, so that you can understand why it works so slowly.
If you change 100 keys this will work for about 4 seconds.

Why can’t you just change the key by index?
For example like this
a.location[0].x += 0.01


import bpy
import math

A = [1,2,3,4,5,6,89,766]
size = len(A)-1
i = 0
key = 0

name_ = “Cube.001”
a = bpy.data.objects[name_]

while i <= size:

key = A[i]

a.location.x = a.location.x + 0.015
a.location.y = a.location.y + 0.022
a.location.z = a.location.z + 0.003

a.keyframe_insert(data_path='location', frame=(key))

i += 1