Left click Default?

I don’t think most people understand the significance of switching to left click select. It doesn’t swap the function of the left and right mouse buttons, but just stacks everything on one instead. This leads to mis-selection, accidental movement of objects, and removes the ability to deselect a tool.
When this becomes standard, Blender will become slower by default and future versions and addons will be built around this. It’s a mistake.

If left click MUST be standard to cater to Autodesk users, then at least swap the keys - Don’t just kill one and destroy the workflow.

Same with pie menus. They just slow down work, and having them as an option is fine, but forcing you to use them is just bad design.

Removing the T-menu and stacking everything in the already jam-packed N-menu is also a completely incomprehenisble design choice. The N-menu is already a huge and disorderly scroll-list, and rigging settings also end up there. The new buttons are pretty, but ultimately useless for anyone who knows how to use Blender properly - But I don’t see why we can’t have both. Buttons for new (/Maya) users and a T-menu you can open if you want to.

Blender 2.8 has some amazing new features, and it’s incredible that we all get access to this for free, but the new UI choices are very misguided and a detriment to the software.

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then make mock up, proposals, because we all can say this is bad and this is good… but if you really want to get the devs attention from all the sea of feedback they get on a daily basis then something good and well presented is the way to go…i hate when users complain about stuff but never provide a solution…i am talking in a general way not par person.

This fear is unwarranted, since for that to happen we would have to have a huge regression and lose key remapping/configuration. Which I just don’t see happening. At all. Heck, if it were to happen the outcry from user community would be a hundred times worse than what is currently happening over the change in layout/defaults.

I doubt it would stop the bickering completely however I do agree that the input editor is bare-bones and could use improvement. I disagree with calling it almost unusable, rather the appropriate word here is overwhelming. But that’s just semantics.

I don’t see the purpose in making a mockup to show that some things SHOULDN’T be changed.
I think what I wrote is pretty self-explanatory, and I get the impression that I’m not alone in having these opinions.
Making Blender more inviting to Autodesk users is a good thing, but set it up so that

  1. It’s completely optional (don’t remove the T-menu if you don’t have any alternative for it, don’t force slow pie menus)
  2. It doesn’t disrupt the great workflow (don’t remove functionality when switching to left click select - instead just swap left and right). Left click in its current form is just objectively slower and less precise. It’s a step back in terms of design, and it doesn’t have to be.

u say it shouldn’t be changed when actually most people asked for these changes, and they can’t please everybody and just give u every single option for every little change here and there that’s counter productive ,i said make a mock up for T panel or whatever to how they could work using both old and new design.

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I doubt it would stop the bickering completely however I do agree that the input editor is bare-bones and could use improvement. I disagree with calling it almost unusable, rather the appropriate word here is overwhelming. But that’s just semantics.

I don’t know, I’ve never seen this much bickering about shortcuts with any other program, or even people fearing that shortcuts will be changed! Always the complaints are about areas where customization is not allowed. This can even be extended to other problems, not just shortcuts.

In Blender’s case, you can technically customize your shortcuts, but it’s so inaccesible, it’s almost like they weren’t customizable. Also I did qualify “unusable” with “almost”. It is also “overwhelming”, but that’s not why I would call it unusable. I made a detailed list of problems in this proposal. I’m sure most people can manage changing a few shortcuts just fine, especially from the menus (though there are huge problems with this as well). BUT try making major changes IN the editor.

And this has become worse now. I just noticed but ACTION and SELECT mouse are gone? I had thought the asymmetry was optional…sigh. There’s probably going to be even angry LCS people now. Before you could just swap ACTION and SELECT for those that wanted symmetrical LCS functionality, now, there’s only the new “select with” which is completely deceiving because it has side effects! It’s more like a second keymap than the option it’s described as. It should at the very least make this clear with a warning or a checkbox for performing those additional side effects. Preferably though these options should be decoupled and independent from each other as much as possible.

Also it seems changing Right/Left can change/remove shortcuts you might have changed! And it doesn’t change new shortcuts that you set to Right/Left. Someone please tell me this is a bug and not intentional because I don’t even know what is going on anymore…


That’s just silly.
“Most people asked for these changes” - That’s simply not true. A lot of people used to Autodesk asked for Left click to be the selection key, because they were confused by the default Right click selection. Swapping those keys would have been absolutely fine, but THAT IS NOT WHAT HAS HAPPENED. The new paradigm is NEW, and the Left click now just does multiple things, which leads to misclicking, unnecessary movement and TIME WASTED.
As for the T-menu: You demand that I make a mockup of how I want it? Why? I thought it was acceptable as it was. There could undoubtedly have been made improvements to the layout, but I’m just not happy that it has been REMOVED, because it causes more stuff to clutter up the N-menu for no reason.
I still don’t get what you fail to understand here.
The pie menus are OBJECTIVELY SLOWER, and require MORE CLICKING. That would be all right, IF YOU COULD TURN THEM OFF. But you can’t.

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well suit yourself ,the truth is the truth otherwise they wouldn’t change it, i tried to help u but it seem u like the rest…stuck with their opinions and you’ll have to choose, aceept it or leave it…cheers.

I’d love to “suit myself”. Problem is I can’t. Have you even tried modeling in 2.8?
There’s a difference between opinion and fact, and the fact is that Blender 2.8 is slower, less precise and much less efficient for modeling than 2.7.

“the truth is the truth otherwise they wouldn’t change it”
The devs are human beings. All individuals with different ideas and opinions. It’s not like a change is automatically better, just because it’s new. What kind of infantile reasoning is this?

“i tried to help u”
No, you didn’t. You wrote a lazy dismissal about things you clearly don’t understand, because you don’t bother trying to understand it.

you are attacking people and you’re going off topic here it’s about left click select as default… and no it’s not slower if you know what needs to be altered, 2.8 is in beta stage and shouldn’t be compared to 2.7 who had many years of developement and polish, the keymap is not finished they are working on it…no wonder they don’t listen to your kind.

I also find the new keymap slower.
some changes to the tool system are also needed to make it work fine.
the selecion is kinda buggy and inprecise and the drag release decreases the precision even further.

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it’s beta,tons of bugs and crashes what did you expect to be stable the moment it’s out of alpha?

The selection is “buggy”, not because it is in alpha and it is a bug, but because the left click gets to select more than it should, and get’s confused. Try selecting a vertex when there’s a gizmo on top of it, for example.

the behavior is exactly the same as in 2.7x nothing changed, i have modified my keymap to be able to hide/show gizmos when selecting or tweaking…etc, i don’t see an issue from my side,and i believe someone made a proposal to make selection through gizmos possible or something in those lines.

It’s the same as in 2.7, but LCS wasn’t the standard in 2.7. It was (and is) a half baked side-option for people unable to let go of left click selecting.
Again, just swapping the functionality of right and left click would solve the problem. The current solution is a step back.

Left click select. Clicking outside to deselect. Box select simply by dragging. Blender has finally gone mainstream! Blender devs - you’ve made the app many times easier to use. Kudos for this brave step!


Yeah, that is annoying. But it is standard (predictable) behavior. You have two selectable things overlapping, so of course one has priority over the other.

They could solve this several ways - click through (ie - if you have something already selected, and you click on the same spot - you select the next thing down in Z-Order).
Or - holding one of the modifier keys while selecting turns off the gizmos.
Or - making the collision mesh around the gizmos tighter and conforming to the gizmo itself.
Or… you get it, there are a bunch of ways to fix this without having two different types of selections.

Knowing Blender - there probably is already a fix that no one knows about. (haha)

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