Is there an official logo available for the Cycles project?

I dig it ! I think it’s worth trying with only tree branches, same as the Blender logo. What about having them go the other way around, too ? Maybe it’d end up looking too similar to the Blender one.

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Branches? Like, the inverse, without the black outer cube? I did those too, just didn’t include as I felt they suffered less readability at smaller sizes than the others. Here they are anyway:

Top 2 rows: the inversions of some of the original set
Third row: Some thinner variations of image 2/row 3 in my previous post
Fourth row (left to right): a variation with 6 lines (since I missed it last time), one idea for an EEVEE variation, and two variations that break the isometric rule but mimic the Blender logo closer

And some more secondary/tertiary ideas. Bottom 2 rows are just the top 2 flipped/reversed:


The idea of Cycles logo is neat. Personally I find @AdamPreisler and @WoollyBear versions the most as they tick most checkboxes of what good logo needs to have.
To add some spice, here is my more frivolous take on the subject.

Although it is an interesting shape and it somehow resembles to an eye, I can’t even classify it as a logo. How would this depict or tell about a renderer? How about Cycles to be more specific?

Never saw an eye in it, now I can’t unsee it.
As for logo classification - neither do I. I wanted to play with shapes defined with light rather than shapes defined with line. But yea - as a logo right now its insufficient and clearly needs some refinement. The central form is ‘C’ shaped - maybe too little. Also it emits light which symbolises image creation. Outside shape made of volume represents dark undefine space and is used for showing how the light is emitted and scattered. Simply instead showing one ray the concept is to show all of them.


I’m not very good at graphics. There are surely curves to modify
but I find that we understand the reflection / refraction, and we can see a “CY” in the original logo

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While I like those I think they are very harsh, sharp and overall look unfriendly in a way.

Almost like a logo of some dystopian futuristic industrial mining company.

It resembles to me a saw blade:

Or a shuriken for that matter:

I think it’s good but would dial it down on the sharpness and make it more friendly looking.
That’s also why the ends here are rounded (like Blender logo) and they are quite long.

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We keep the Y but have lost the C


My attempt at something.


I really think any logo ideas here shouldn’t be derived from the Blender logo. They should also be representable in the form of an icon (so there could be an icon for each render engine in certain parts of the UI).



This one does!

btw this one above here was intended as a joke, involving “blender” as the make-up tools.
But coming back here and looking at it with fresh eyes, I think it’s not bad at all…

I gave it a try.)


Not bad, I like it- I especially like the blue/orange color combination that immediately connects me with the Blender “mood”.
One itchy thought: I’d remove “The next level”, from the bottom line. Besides I love Cycles, I don’t think you can consider it a ‘next level’ renderer. It implements well known algorithms and techniques, derived prom public papers. New (next level) technologies usually pertains to proprietary software, and I mean like big movie production in-house developed softwares.

This topic is about logo proposals. I’m not sure if it is clever to start adding american-ish slogans and ®s (besides, is Cycles even registered?). It really makes things look and sound corporate to me, which isn’t the point.


I really think this one is simple, yet very appealing design!


I like that one. Where did you learn Logo-Design? But of course, the others are right: It is looking too much like a corporate logo (slogan and ®-Sign). Besides that, it really can compete with the other proposals

I really liked the idea of the C with a dot inside so I tried to make it look closer to the other standalone cycles logo


I like the simplicity of this one, it’s obviously very similar to the Blender logo without being too noisy.
Now that we have an official Blender community badge, I think an official Cycles logo would have to look good next to the Blender badge. I made a slight adjustment to your design and did a quick mock-up to see what it would look like in the badge format:


Personally that looks incredibly generic.

I wanted to see what making the smallest possible change to the Blender logo would look like, but I didn’t like that at all either… tried inverting the colors, but it didn’t really improve things…

Leaving it here just so people can see it’s already been tried.