Is there an official logo available for the Cycles project?

Este definitivamente es el mejor.

Blur is no good for logos, they usually are fully vectorial


This would be nice for some intro animation, but as a logo is best to keep text and symbol separated so the symbol can work by itself.

I absolutely love the way these look, @MarcoG! The only two issues I see are the visual imbalance of the two tiles, and the different opacities. I love the concept and and the execution.

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Thanks :slight_smile: yes, the difference could be dimmed down a little bit

Really inspiring Ideas and Approaches are posted already!
inspired me for this small Collection.
Cycles_Logo_test%231 Cycles_Logo_test%232

Hey, the right one even contains a piece of Pizza… It´s Pizza Time. At least for one xD

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These have been interesting to read through. I really liked some of @JulianPerez ideas.

As a general rule of thumb:

  • It should be identifiable at 16 px wide and not become a mush of colour
  • It should have a single-colour version (silhouette)
  • It should be readable in black and white, both black on white and white on black
  • If it has colour, it should work without gradients/blurs
  • It should be able to ‘hold its own’ without accompanying text
  • As brecht has said, it should represent Cycles in some way.

As a concept generation tool, what makes Cycles different from other renderers? What is iconic or unique about cycles (in a positive way - noise is a characteristic of Cycles, but not necessarily one good for its image)?


Cycles4D the commercial cycles implementation for Cinema 4D has a logo


More images and info


I like this one (at the bottom) very much.

Yup, that’s why to me the key is basically to take Blender’s logo and make a Cycles version. If we keep a close composition but with very distinctive features and the same colors, this might just be enough to make it good. As programmers say: Keep It Simple Stupid.

Imho it could be as simple as what some already posted (like @JulianPerez here or @Tpal there).

It could be as simple as these:

image image

The colors and shapes similatity makes it clear it’s part of Blender, yet the C shape makes the link to Cycles and makes enough difference to dinstinct it from Blender.

No need to display render noise or render tiles, that’s just details that don’t add mutch to the icon, that any raytracing engine could have too (but they don’t AFAIK) and it just makes noise in the icon’s readability.

Nowadays we don’t make icons full of detail, partially because of the wide range of screen sizes we use (we don’t want to design a different icon for small screens like smartphones, then one for PC, then one for printing, then one for…) and because we know that at the end of the day:

What works better for an icon is just simple shapes with a few flat colors that could be drawn by a 5 year old kid and still be recognizable at a glance by everyone.

Blender’s icon is already that, we have a strong base we can start from, let’s go with that.


Hey there!

Opening this topic again because we have a new product out called renderset (render manager addon - and it supported Cycles/Eevee out of the box, but now it also supports Octane and Luxcore.

We’d like to show that on the product page so I’ve added their logos but suddenly felt that cycles needs one too so searched around and found that it still doesn’t exist.

So I couldn’t hold myself and had a quick play-around and realized that since those projects are so close together it makes sense to reuse the blender logo and create it’s variation around the letter C. I think the result looks pretty nice. I personally prefer the bottom version since it resembles the blender logo less (it’s simply vertically flipped version of the above).

What do you think? I’d really like cycles to be represented with a logo aswell.

Here it is next to those other renderers:


I designed two of those logos :wink:
Octane Render owner paid me for the job. The logotype is protected by copyright law, so - I think that the Octane’s owner won’t like Cycles’s logo design that’s so similar.


Honestly the logo is created from Blender’s logotype and I don’t see that much similar except for the spinning pattern. It isn’t even entirely closed and the proportions are different:)

But to make it even more distinct, the other variant that isn’t flipped would be more different from the Octane logo as it spins the other way.

Also you can’t simply claim copyright rights on something that is mildly similar, it needs to be measureable…

Check for example Keyshot’s logo:

It might be inverted but is much closer to Octane than the Cycles version above.


I’d make the “tails” of Octane’s logo gettin’ shorter and thinner the farther they are from the beginning of the upper part of the letter “C”. So that the last tail resembles the other end of the letter “C” in scale and proportions.
It will make the logo look more dynamic and interesting.

Here’s some more ideas, remixing a few trends that have emerged here.

General symbolism**:

  • Isometric/cube (dissected into a grid of triangles/diamonds as a basis) – Combined with the opening in the C, it can resemble a camera side-on, or a shadow cast by the inner cube in some cases
  • Camera aperture blades (or alternatively, ray lines) – alludes to the Blender logo style somewhat too
  • The ‘C’

I explored various ways of slicing it up, trying to keep readability at smaller sizes. Here’s the ones I thought were the most interesting:

A few secondary ideas. Note the smoothing/rounding on the top-left one. I think that could be applied to most of the others:

Finally, a sample presentation, with text:

The typeface is ITC Avant Garde (Bold). It is commercially licensed, but I think it fits well. Perhaps it could even sit on its own without a logo. I wanted to avoid pairing it with the ‘renderer’ wording, as it feels extraneous and clunky.

** I acknowledge that the isometric cube has been done a lot (in logo design in general), but I do really like it as a foundation and felt it was worth exploring/expanding a bit more, even if it’s just a basis for future inspiration. This list could of course readily be used as a set of things to avoid in a potential design too


I dig it ! I think it’s worth trying with only tree branches, same as the Blender logo. What about having them go the other way around, too ? Maybe it’d end up looking too similar to the Blender one.

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Branches? Like, the inverse, without the black outer cube? I did those too, just didn’t include as I felt they suffered less readability at smaller sizes than the others. Here they are anyway:

Top 2 rows: the inversions of some of the original set
Third row: Some thinner variations of image 2/row 3 in my previous post
Fourth row (left to right): a variation with 6 lines (since I missed it last time), one idea for an EEVEE variation, and two variations that break the isometric rule but mimic the Blender logo closer

And some more secondary/tertiary ideas. Bottom 2 rows are just the top 2 flipped/reversed:


The idea of Cycles logo is neat. Personally I find @AdamPreisler and @WoollyBear versions the most as they tick most checkboxes of what good logo needs to have.
To add some spice, here is my more frivolous take on the subject.

Although it is an interesting shape and it somehow resembles to an eye, I can’t even classify it as a logo. How would this depict or tell about a renderer? How about Cycles to be more specific?