Is there an official logo available for the Cycles project?

I like the font, though it also depends on what the logo next to it will be. The gradient colors in the logo make it feel too different from the Blender branding too me, and seems part of what mights the light bounces thing less clear.


@anon18120698, I don’t think a 3D logo is ideal, it really should work as a flat design. The shape looks too much like a “get out the vote” logo.




@kame404 Pretty cool, resembles blender logo which is a plus

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Here’s my most recent attempt, after reading the comments from everyone and the guidelines given by @Brecht I tried to represent the concept of raytracing and bouncing, without repeating the effort made by @WoollyBear, so some of them are quite literal hehe.
The only one I kept from the previous set of sketches is the number 4, because I think it serves to represent not only the rays bouncing but also the render process, with the little squares at the end.

Some notes:

  1. Almost all of them are using the rhombus as the main shape, this is to separate the logo visually from other render engines logos. They’re already using spheres, cubes or hexagons with different variations.
  2. This sketches are kept in greyscale, so we can focus on shape first. Color will be added later.
  3. Since Cycles is also a standalone app, I don’t think the logo should have any resemblance to the Blender logo, we can connect them both with the use of color, not shape.
  4. The font used here is Roboto (in different styles) from the free Google fonts.

I hope you like them, let me know what you think! :slightly_smiling_face:


And here’s a little comparison with other render engines logos (I chose the one I personally prefer):


I like the 2, 5 and 8 (it looks so vintage… <3)

I don’t know why… It reminds me Substance painter.

Hi all, just dropping a quick idea, the goal is to suggest Cycles is part of Blender 3d (reusing its original logo), and suggesting the render engine with the little buckets (tiles), the one you see going around when rendering.

Many variations can be made, this is just one.




I like the render tiles idea, but I still don’t think the Blender logo should be used at all. The main reasoning being that a Cycles logo will only be used for it’s standalone version, because the version that comes with Blender won’t need a logo, is part of the program after all.

So Cycles, as a standalone app, needs its own unique logo and brand, just like Arnold has a different logo from Solid Angle, Octane is different from Otoy, and V-Ray is different from Chaosgroup.
Blender is the umbrella brand, and Cycles is a product of Blender, with its own logo and branding.


I agree, if the goal is a pure “standalone” Cycles logo, blender one should be avoided.
I personally like an even simpler one like these ones attached (still tiles idea), behind the tiles we can draw something though, a ray bounce icon, an engine…whatever.


I like this very much! :nerd_face:


How about fill “C” with tiles?

I really like the tiles idea. What about something similar to this:


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Este definitivamente es el mejor.

Blur is no good for logos, they usually are fully vectorial


This would be nice for some intro animation, but as a logo is best to keep text and symbol separated so the symbol can work by itself.

I absolutely love the way these look, @MarcoG! The only two issues I see are the visual imbalance of the two tiles, and the different opacities. I love the concept and and the execution.

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Thanks :slight_smile: yes, the difference could be dimmed down a little bit

Really inspiring Ideas and Approaches are posted already!
inspired me for this small Collection.
Cycles_Logo_test%231 Cycles_Logo_test%232

Hey, the right one even contains a piece of Pizza… It´s Pizza Time. At least for one xD

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