I’m starting to build some asset libraries and got blocked at one point because I need to do something a bit too complexe and advanced for the current state of the asset manager :
I want to “mark as asset”, two parented objects and I want them to register as one unique asset.
In my case it’s two geometries with the child having a boolean modifier and the parent is the object referenced by the boolean modifier.
Is this eventually something that could be done (maybe not for 3.0 but 3.x ?) ?
I eventually managed to do what I wanted using geo-nodes but this is still somehing that should be implemented IMHO.
Is not possible to mark a whole collection as an asset?
Yes I thought of that. It’s a good idea but even if it is possible, then I don’t have access to parametres like custom properties…
When I mark a collection as asset, the created asset is like a collection → Instance to Scene
And apart from that, it is sometimes better to have direct access to objects then to have them in collections. In my case the asset is a window. If each of my windows where in individual collections it would clutter the outliner.
But when you instance the collection you can make it real and then have access to everything, the key point is to store the asset properly 
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Ohhh I have to check that, it might be a solution.
Although it cuts a bit the workflow of: drag and drop from asset browser and use directly.
Because you have to go and make the instance real each time you bring a collection asset. ^^’
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Yep that’s true, an option to “Instance to Real” or something like that could be great for this situation
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Unfortunately it is not as trivial. I f the asset is a collection of objects, maybe parented to one another, and/or driving one another, all this data is lost when you pull an asset from your library into the scene. It’s like a living body on the one hand, and a bag of bones on the other hand.
Hope it’s planned to work in the stable version (or later).