Industry Compatible Keymap: Questions, suggestions and answers

Hej @billrey.

the IC Keymap is again a bit outdated in terms of the sculpting shortcuts. Could you copy the ones for face set visibility from the blender keymap? Otherwise the whole faceset idea doens’t work with the IC keymap.

Edit Voxel Size is also missing. Shift R is fine for that in IC Keymap too.

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@billrey: Oh, I forgot to mention that these will replace the older shortcuts that were present for managing box hide.

So I tried the IC keymap and there are two things immediately that make me discard it before I can get to actually trying it longer:

  1. For a Rigify Rig the [3] key does NOT switch into pose mode despite the shortcut saying that it should. Maybe I’m doing something wrong here but I tried to reset every custom tweak I had and it still only registered edit- and objectmode.
  2. Seems to be not compatible with 3 Button emulation. This is a big one with tablet artists, I think. Modo introduced this mode of navigatin to me and I used it wherever I could since. It’s so much better than any other 3 Button setup. Even with a mouse.

re #1, that was a bug that was recently fixed.

re #2, I would like to investigate this.

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I’m using the IC-keymap as a base to recreate the viewport navigation of cinema 4d such as:

pressing [1]+left mouse drag - pan view
pressing [2]+left mouse drag - zoom view
pressing [3]+left mouse drag - rotate view

I changed the keymap successfully, but there’s one issue I wasn’t able to resolve.

The gizmo currently gets deactivated/greyed when one of the following keys is pressed:
[shift], [ctrl], [alt] or [cmd]
I’d like to have the same behavior when pressing the number 1-3, in order to navigate without making accidental manipulations to my objects. Is there a way to add these keys to the list? Or is it a limitation of the current keymap customizer?

I found a previous post here, which refers to this behavior:

I know this isn’t helpful to your problem and I personally hate it when someone gives this answer. So please don’t take this as me saying that you should adapt. It’s not meant that way but have you ever tried to use the 3 button emulation navigation?

With that you need to Basically use only the left CLick as well but with different very conveinient to reach keys.
Alt + Click to Rotate
Alt + Shift + Klick to Pan
Alt + Ctrl + Klick to Zoom
I used the Cinema 4D 1,2,3 keymap in my first years as well and preferred it over the Alt+Three Button Mouse Combo. Until Modo introduced me to the navigation mode above. And I never want to go back to either of the other ones. The learning curve is super low and it feels super natural!

If the problems in the default keymap have been ioned out give it a try by activating “3 button mouse emulation” in the settings. :smiley:

If that’s not youor thing disregard this post ^^

Hey hey,
Thanks - that’s a very kind reply.
I really like the 1,2,3 setup in Cinema, because I have the transform, rotate, and scale keys almost at my fingertips. Hopefully, there can be another solution found.
For the time being, I’ll give your solution a try. :slight_smile:

I find Twitter to be a gold mine for finding user feedback to Blender, because the people there might not be as invested as those who register on this forum (and remember, you’re only a beginner once, so this unique feedback only ever occurs once in every user’s lifetime).

Anyway, a very talented artist is trying their hands on Blender recently. The developers can probably find some valuable feedback if they follow her:

Thank you a lot for providing and updating the ICK! I am amazed how well the research was conducted and about the integration into blender. Are there any plans to complete the number of tools getting a hotkey? I personally keep assigning:

  • Edge Slide
  • Extrude (without gizmo)
  • Inset (without gizmo)
  • Mesh -> Add
  • Toggle origin move mode
  • Mesh Fill

I also find that some fundamatal features are not available when using ICK like…

  • Snapping / rotating to orthographic views (ALT+MMB with classic)
  • Quick-Extrude (Ctrl+RMB with classic)
  • Axis locked dragging (MMB drag in classic)

Does somebody know howto recreate these?

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