I want to get bitmap selection for box/lasso/circle working better. In 2.8+ the zbuffer, bitmap, near select, whatever you want to call it, selects too many things that are not seen in the viewport. Possibly getting worse over time?
2.79 does things pretty well in this regard. Going to grab the source for 2.79 and hopefully familiarize myself with it quickly so I can see what/where/how it does what I would reasonably expect to happen when I drag select some faces, then get that ported over to 3.2.
I don’t want the unpredictable extra’s you can select on what were non-visible sides of the cube when the selection was performed. Video examples, showing 2.79, then 2.80, then 3.2:
2.79 does what I would like to happen:
How it is in 2.80, some unwanted faces getting grabbed from the sides. When doing a single side, it can be very unpredicable with how much it decides to select.
In 3.20 it’s a bit worse when dragging over multiple sides of the cube, but also very unpredictable when doing one side. Sometimes it’s almost perfect, and then in a near identical situation you get lots of junk faces.
You can get more consistent selection if you go into ortho view, select, then back again to persp, but that is a bit much. If this is some goofy setting I can turn off, or a driver issue that can be worked around, that would make me really happy. I am going into this expecting to do a bit of work editing the source. I have some experience doing that, but would really appreciate a hand. Got anything for me?