GSoC 2024: Sample Sound Node - Feedback

This is the feedback thread of GSoC 2024 project: Sample Sound Node. The full proposal can be viewed here, and weekly reports will be listed here.

Please feel free to share your opinions on it!


Hi ! last update looks like it is beautifully taking shape. I donā€™t have much to comment on except for the choice of locating the window and FFT size parameters in the sidebar. In practice, few nodes do this, and I am aware of a few situations where users were never aware of some ā€œsidebar-onlyā€ properties because they assumed its contents exactly mirrored those in the nodes (learned in conversations on I honestly donā€™t know of any guidelines as to which parameters should end up there.
My preference would however be in favor of keeping everything in the node, for the following reason : since last release it has been made possible for users to create enums, as well as connect enum sockets to group input nodes, making nodegroups that much more flexible. Allowing this with the sample sound node would surely be a plus, assuming there isnā€™t some technical blocker preventing it.

All in all this looks very exciting for motion graphics, and Iā€™m sure other use cases will become evident !



Thank you very much for the feedback! :smile: I apologize for not checking this thread for a while, and the response for your feedback was missed in last weekā€™s work.

However, your point of keeping those parameters explicit for better user experience (also to enable customization in node groups) is totally valid. Iā€™ll check with my mentor in the coming week and see if we can come up with a more sophisticated design on the user interface.


@megakite Hiļ¼I share the same view as Hadriscus.
Itā€™s strange to put these two options in the sidebar.
If place it on the node interface, and then the options can be manually hidden.
Such as:

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Iā€™m excited for this new node, great work!
Is there a build available for trying it out?

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Any chance this will end up in the next release? I havenā€™t seen it mentioned since GSOC ended.