GSoC 2021: Curve Improvements: Feedback

not sure if i understand your proposal you just want to click without dragging and have smooth lines ?

something like this ?

perosnaly i would not waht this behaiviour

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yes is this… but if previous point was smooth (click and drag)…

if last point handles type == automatic/aligned then:
new point handles type = automatic/aligned
new point handles type = vector

hmmm … i dont know sounds wrong (i did not een thsi bahiviour in other tool) would have to test how this feels but sounds wrong :smiley: but i ocould be wrong

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maybe a pen option:
 (x) new point always vector
 ( ) new point equal last point
 ( ) new point always automatic/smooth
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Ah right, that makes sense. I’ll make it activate on click rather than on drag. But, just to be clear, you won’t have the linked state across subsequent usages of the tool. Meaning if you “link” the handles once, you would have to “relink” them when you release the mouse and reuse the tool. This is because there’s no internal attribute that maintains this property (unlike with the handle type).

I see. Thanks a lot for taking the time to test out the tool.

Hehe, guess so XD.

That’s actually how it works. Even though it looks like a single point, bezier curve vertices always have 3 points. In this case, they are just overlapped. So when you click on the point, it just selects one of the 3 points. Looks like in this case, it selects the bottom handle, so it looks deselected.

Ah, the issue was that the poly curve was cyclic. So there were no endpoints, so it didn’t extrude. I’ll add a condition for non-Bezier curves since it doesn’t make much sense to have a two-point cyclic poly curve.

The creation of new splines is handled by the pre-built extrude to cursor code. I was under the impression that it always creates bezier splines, but looks like it isn’t the case. I’ll check why that happens. I should note that it won’t be possible to identify which type of spline was last deselected before creating the new spline. So it would have to always be a bezier spline.

Ah turns out it was a simple fix. I had forgotten to add a line to recalculate for NURBS in the reimplementation of extrude point.

I’ll add this to the next build. Seems like a good option to have.

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The new build is available at Blender Builds -


  • Link handles now works as a toggle
  • Added an option to decide the handle type of a new point (Extrude Handle Type)
  • Fixed bug with the type of new spline created (Poly/Bezier; Turns out there is a way to keep track of the last selected spline).
  • Fixed glitching bug with NURBS splines.
  • Poly splines are only made cyclic if it has more than 2 points
  • Halved select/grab distance (0.4 to 0.2 times the default).

Thank you for your work! Using the tool compared to the first versions made a huge improvement!
I found a small but annoying bug: if you intuitively try to select a handle, then more often the grip area for the handle is too small and a new curve point is created. The capture radius area for a curve point is normal in this case. Is it possible to adjust the grip radius only for the handle in the direction of increase? And is it even possible to use the curve knob to change the parameters?
I hope someday someone will take on the task of highlighting a segment when hovering over it.
Thank you!
Curve Point Grip Error

Hi. The handles of the points are not meant to be gripped by the line but rather by the dot at the end of the line. The reason why it works nearer to the center point is that you’re moving the entire curve segment rather than the handle. Please correct me if I’ve misunderstood the bug.

If by curve knob you mean the dots of each point, then no. Currently, the only way to change the parameters is by going to Edit → Preferences → Keymap tab → 3D View → Curve → 3D View Tool: Edit Curve, Curve Pen.

where is this setting?

perosnaly i would not call this bug but feature request

Edit → Preferences → Keymap tab → 3D View → Curve → 3D View Tool: Edit Curve, Curve Pen

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ah i was expecting this in a toolbar

found kinda strange bug editing handles in perspective courses stragne behaviors

this gets wors fatrher from 0,0 you go so i wonder ig this is related to clasic floting number problem (pure speculation :D)

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well i did small arwork wih the tool. glass,liquid and lettering done with the bezier tool (all still editable).
and i like all new fixies and chages, grabing radius seems to work much better now . Discover just one bug (reported abowe this comment). maybe i need to test it even more but this seems to be very good


Ah, I see. It seems to be more prominent when the scale of the curve is fairly large. It accumulates some sort of error. I do have a solution in mind. Will fix it for the next build. Thanks for the catch.

Wow, that’s very cool. Thanks!


The above bug should be fixed in the new build.


found very small one .

  1. create path
  2. create new vertext (click and drag + hold)
  3. move mouse and mesh ctrl+shift ate same time

what happend

  • vertex changes position

shat should happen

  • it should preform action 1 or 2 (move handle on one or other side)
  • or nothing
  • or see feature request down

once again I have greed for features (feel free to ignore):smiley: and was wishing for some modifier (ctrl+shift is free) that would allow me to change the length of the second handle without unlinking angle.

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Ah, thanks for the catch. Will fix.

Actually, Ctrl+Shift is currently used for link handles, which is the part that has the above bug. But I’ll see if I can add it. Could be useful. I’ll set it to something like Ctrl+Alt or Shift+Alt.

I should note that something I noticed was that when using combinations of keys (like Ctrl+Shift), the key that is pressed first activates its respective functionality before the combined key’s functionality. For example, the Ctrl functionality would be activated before the Ctrl+Shift functionality, so the user should take care to not move the mouse before both keys are pressed. I might change up the key bindings so that there’s a minimal consequence of moving the mouse before both keys are pressed. So I think something like the “move adjacent handles” functionality (currently Ctrl) may be moved to a combination of keys (Ctrl+Shift / Ctrl+Alt / Shift+Alt).

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that sounds like reasonable idea

i also jsut notice that better shorcut for this tool would be nice
idealy single letter but this does not look like pattern that blender uses for tools.
so probably space + P ( for pen ,illustrator uses P for pen tool)
or space + B ( for Bezier tool, inkscape use B for bezier tool)