GSoC 2021: Curve Improvements: Feedback

If you were to draw a bounding box around that, it would be rectangular-ish in shape. Are icons normally square-ish? If so, and if it gets rejected for being rectangular-ish in shape, perhaps you could eliminate the control points on the right, and then put the pen to the right of the three control points that are currently in the center (and then change the line accordingly), and then try again. That said, I like the icon.

Thanks for the suggestion. I think the icons are allowed to be slightly rectangular. It’s about the same aspect ratio as the curve draw tool and it’s more square than the annotation tool. I quite like your idea as well. But seems we’re going with the above tool. We’re looking into making small changes to the draw tool so that the distinction is more clear.

Understood. It’s a good icon and I like it, so that’s great if you’ll get to use it. Also, great work on what you’ve done in and after your GSOC project. Thank you!


Great! And the icon got approved :slight_smile:
Thanks for the kind words, Paul!


Sorry if this was asked before, but will this be merged into master at some point?

Yes. Hopefully soon :slight_smile:


Hello @dilithjay congratz on the Curve Pen committ… Great job… :ok_hand:

I got a question though, the Curve Pen tool doesn’t seem to work with snap… is that a known issue/bug or it was originally designed to not obey the snap settings?

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Thank you!

Well, it’s not so much that it was designed to not obey snap, but rather that there wasn’t an easy way to integrate the existing snap tools into the curve pen. Rewriting a separate snap system for the curve pen didn’t make sense.

As discussed previously on this forum, it could be added in a separate commit based on necessity. But, we’d have to find a way to use the existing snap system. I’ll look into it at some point.


Thank you @dilithjay for your work to better blender curve draw tools… and congratulations for pen tool accepted in master.


@dilithjay Thanks for seeing this through.

Most GSOC students abandon their projects as soon as the period ends and never follow through to get their work merged to master.

Complying with requirements for getting features into official releases can be discouraging at times and deserves some recognition. Thanks for all the hard work and persistence.


I wholeheartedly agree. Thanks for being persistent in this and pushing the pen tool till the end!
Your professional attitude will always serve you well.


Thank you everyone for the kind words!

I learned more from this experience than I could put a value on, so I should really be the one thanking Blender and its community.

Also, thank you to everyone who gave feedback, found bugs, made feature requests, etc. Some even spent hours of their valuable time testing the tool and reporting bugs, inconsistencies and potential improvements. The tool wouldn’t have even seen itself to completion if I had to spend time identifying all that by myself. So thank you everyone for making it possible!

Of course, there’s still more to be done. I wouldn’t be surprised if there are a lot more bugs that we happened to miss :-). So I’ll mainly keep an eye out for that for a while. We’ll see where the tool goes from there and what the users would like to see (e.g.: snapping) :slight_smile:


I have been using blender curves for


and animation

I would love to talk with you further about how I see curves being pushed further
The link will lead you to a google doc that talks about Curves and Grease Pencil

Combine get these addons working together
Keymesh addon for curves
Update on the Animall Addon for curves

Curve Nodes and vert Matrices Exposed for animation

Show selected for curve nodes and verts

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Hi Adam,

Thanks for the elaborate suggestion. I agree that it’ll be beneficial to have those addons builtin and working together within Blender.

However, as we discussed previously, I don’t think I’m the right person for this task. The problem is that even though the suggestion is related to Curves, it includes many components I’m not familiar with. It would take a while to get up to speed with the animation code and the implementation of those addons. Unfortunately, I’m quite busy with college-related work at the moment.

It’s an important suggestion, so I’d like to see it happen as well. Have you had a chance to check with any other developers? Even a Right-Click Select proposal is a good start. The developers do look there, and sometimes its ideas even get used for GSoC ideas (which I think this is a good candidate for, if anyone’s interested to give it a try this year).

Please let me know if there’s any other way I can help you.


Congrats on Merge. Thanks for a hard work you don on this

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Hi, I’m not sure if this is the correct place to post this but when I was using curves a lot lately I noticed an area that could use improvements.

If you draw circles with the “Draw curve tool” there is no option in the tool section to always draw closed loops (if the end of the curve and the start of the curve are close enough it closes the loop by itself but I’m not great at drawing circles):

Instead, you have to click that after you draw a circle (and if you have a task where you need to draw a bunch of circles it gets annoying so a toggle in the menu before drawing would be nice):
2022-04-14 16_05_45-Window

And since I’m not that precise when it comes to drawing circles I often create open loops:

The cyclic option is possibly also hidden in some other menu and I just didn’t find it :slight_smile:

Sorry for the delay.
Thanks! And thanks a lot for all the testing you did during the development of the tool. It really helped out a lot!

Since this is a feature request unrelated to the tools created in this project, I think the best place for this would be Right Click Select. As a workaround (at least for now), you could select the circles you drew (maybe with Select Linked (L) or Circle Select (C)) and toggle Cyclic on them with Alt+C.


Oh ok I’ll make a RCS post.
I also didn’t know about the cyclic operator.
Thanks :slight_smile:

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i made a demo how to use the tool


This is amazing! Thanks a lot for taking the time to make this. It’ll be really helpful to people starting out with the curve pen.