GSoC 2020: Outliner Discussion and Suggestions

I’m not a fan of the submenu for creating new collections. I’d prefer having it just move the selected elements into the newly created collection by default (no options) . That’s how it works in 3dsmax and I’ve always found that practical.

I rarely find myself creating a new collection but not wanting to move selected elements in there.


The problem is that it requires motoric actions, which is bad for overloaded scene setups.

It would be such a nice shortcut to have CTRL + G - for creating collection and moving objects to collection it’s industry standard for grouping. Also blender already has this shortcut combination assigned for Create new collection operation, which is rather rarely used operation (makes new collection which is not linked/visible to the scene). Also CTRL + alt + G then could work as unparent collection operation ( remove parent collection and move objects level higher ). Those two shortcuts are essential for quick and efficient organisation, and would make world difference.


Not sure I understand. Could you explain a bit further?

Just to be clear, what I proposed is keeping the button ‘create new collection’ unchanged but change its bevahior so that it moves selected elements to the newly created collection.

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That sounds much more clear! Thank you)
I agree with that kind of behaviour.
This way, new collection is created filled with selected objects, or empty if there is no selection.

Ctrl+G shortcut was reserved for industry standards common groups realization in Blender.
This type of groups works in dynamic context (I want to group that one and that one thing) instead of static (I want to group all trees), so they should work separately from static context entities like collections.

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Even if I like “Empty (Collection)”, “Move Selection”, and “Link Selection” as entries of a New Collection menu, I worry that such a menu would maybe slow down the user’s workflow.

Maybe the button could just react to the selection, and perform different tasks according to the context.

Because, let’s say a user wants to quickly create 5 new collections by pressing the button. He/she would have to wait for the menu to appear and click accordingly on the entry he/she wants (5 times on Click Button > Empty Collection).

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True but how often this can happen?

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I guess if nothing is selected it could just create a new collection without exposing a submenu.

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First time writing on this thread so thank @natecraddock for all of the improvements last year, your work is insanely appreciated.
One of the biggest bugs/inconsistencies is how selecting an object in the outliner while in object mode acts differently than all the other modes. In the other modes, the other objects don’t actually become active. Unless clicking on there “mesh data blocks” tucked away in the dropdown, but this also will change it to edit mode which is a laggy mess of a workflow. For that workflow to work, maybe also select the relevant materials in the properties panel and etc for consistency.

Adding the right click options to duplicate and join are two thing that have been been strangely absent, for how useful, relevant, and consistent to other software it would make it.

My biggest long term request is to add modifiers to the outliner’s filters. It would be much more intuitive, consistent, and efficient it you could turn off all modifiers the same way and visibility.

Finally, this is a question for anyone, while in sculpting mode, changing the object you want to sculpt is a ridiculously hard sense I believe the alt right-clicking option has been removed? Someone please let me know if I’m missing something, Thanks!!!

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If you switch off “lock object modes” under the edit menu you can alt-click other objects to select them while in sculpt mode. Given that those other objects were previously in sculpt mode as well (I think. It’s a bit fiddly).

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Dan you are the man, Thank you! Yes a bit fiddly, figures crossed that if there is time then outliner can smooth this workflow out.

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Fear not, Pablo has something in the works as well. :slight_smile:

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Will there be a new drop soon with the latest updates? I would like to play with/test all the latest updates :wink:
Looking at the list, the latest build is from somewhere beginning of last week.


I absolutely agree!

Yeah, currently modifiers, materials, constraints etc. are all under the Object Contents filter, decoupling it in several toggleable contents would be great.

It is right? Why is the child object not highlighted if the list is not expanded?


Just a thought but maybe see the way Modo handles it. when the line with color is not selected, you see the entire bar. But when it is selected, you see just a small colored box.
ColorTags ColorTags2


The build is updated!

Re: New Collection Operator. I don’t think a modifier key + operator button is a good plan. It isn’t discoverable, nor is it common in the UI. But you all make good points about the submenu as an added step. Here are my thoughts:

  • For new collections button (header), always create the new collection from the selection, and if no objects are selected, then an empty collection is created.
  • Use the context menu for the different “new collection” actions I proposed earlier.
  • Perhaps switch to ctrl+g for new collection instead of c.

I have not discussed this with my mentors/UI team. I’ll do that in the next few days.

Yes, that would be great! But right now I think that isn’t possible in Blender’s menus. Maybe I’ll have to write a new menu template for icon-only entries. At the moment it isn’t priority.

Two things here:

  1. when in modes other than object mode, you cannot activate objects outside the mode. That is just how Blender works. (It determines mode based on active object).
  2. In my GSoC branch the green icon for edit mode enter has been removed, and we have a whole column dedicated to mode swapping (works in each mode). so you can use the outliner to swap the active object when in sculpt mode.

Duplicate would be nice in the outliner. Perhaps as part of the context menu cleanup.

Right now in the outliner, selecting the parent does not select sub-items.

That is a nice idea. I can give it a try sometime.


So will it be conceived or will it be implemented in the future?


Hmm, that seems like a pretty good idea. Since we can choose what colors we want for the colors, you never know what colors will be washed out by the selection highlights blue. I already think the default purple gets overshadowed a bit:


As well you might say that the highlight blue adds more “color”, rather than conforming to the colors already there, it kind of feels like its fighting. I think the only downside is you can’t rely on seeing only blue as “active”, but I think you can get used to that pretty fast.

As well, there would need to be consideration for selecting multiple collections. I think it might be fine to show all collections other than the last one selected with just the Selected Highlight.

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Valid point, but I think to some extent we need to rely on the users making conscious decisions when choosing colors. Also, it’d be close to impossible to consolidate for every theme out there, I’ve seen one’s that look like a candy store and others that are not using any colors at all.