GSoC 2019: Outliner Improvements Ideas

Copypaste from Community…

a) Unical names through ALL collections it’s meh.
b) If you rename element and new name already used, you just get old name after Enter. So you need again DoubleClick and type one more new name. It’s annoying.
c) Blender definitely need using another unical IDs for elements than names.
d) It will be good if click on collection will select all its contains.
e) Selection between Outliner and Editor/Layout window definitely need synchronization. Both ways.

a-c is a part of one issue by the way. However, I guess it’s more core problem than Outliner.
d and e I guess are already reviewed in case we have great OutlinerIdeas page.

And I agree with Idea that Outliner (and Blender at all, actually) need more standard selection/deselection ways (Shift+Click, Ctrl+Click, Shift+ArrowUp, Shift+ArrowDown).


@MrBeep I’ll work on it this summer :slight_smile:

@ZoolooS a) Not sure what you mean by this one. b) When I try this, the object I rename has the name I typed, and the old object with the same name gets a number on the end. c) This could be nice. Might be a large redesign though… not sure. d) That has been suggested quite often, It could be done. I’m at the part of the synced selection implementation needs to make decisions like these. e) Working on it :slight_smile:

About a)
You can not have 2 or more objects in different collections (or in same) with same names. Object names unical for all file/scene. So you have to use prefixes/suffixes in names to be shure it all unical.

b-c) Hmm, tried that yesturday and was sure that name just reseted to old. Rechecked just now and it work like you said. Anyway, it will be cool if we can have same names. But I guess for that Blender must assign unique (hidden or not) IDs for objects instead unique names. And this is core issue, not Outliner, I guess.
About auto suffix. It might be checkbox somewhere like “Auto Add number-suffix”.

For B) it sounds super-weird that if I rename something to the same as another object that one changes name too. If anything the one currently renamed should got a number to its end.
This would also be an easy way to rename multiple objects in numeric order by just typing the part without the number - that would be automatically growing with each new object.
(This might be what’s already happening but in a very weird order - constantly changing the numberless one)


I’ not sure about this. I’d rather have a “select contents” in right-click menu because usually when I select a collection it’s only to make it active, make sure new collections will be created under it. I don’t want to lose my selection state at this point.

Agreed. I only noticed that because it was mentioned here… had to check if it happened the same in 2.7x - sure enough it does. I don’t think it’s very reliable to have the unselected object change name instead of the one being renamed. In large scenes it could lead to accidental renamings that would easily go unnoticed. I’m surprised I didn’t notice this before actually. o_o


Clicking on a collection already has a function: it sets the collection to active. (Meaning: that is where new objects or collection are created, or linked/appended/imported geometry is placed, etc.) I don’t necessarily want to select all the objects in it. As @Hadriscus says: as a right-click-menu option it makes more sense.


@Hadriscus @Zsolt_St I agree that the right-click option to select contents is the best (in fact, it’s already there).

And about the renaming issue, I just spent more time experimenting with renaming and I can’t find a pattern to how it decides to rename. Sometimes the renamed object has the name and the other with the same name is incremented. At other times the renamed object is incremented or unchanged. I’ll look more at this, but it is probably not outliner-specific.


It also happens when the user renames from the object panel in properties, for instance. It’s also the same when renaming workspaces (double click on tabs at the top).

Hi Nathan,
it will be very nice to have some kind of selection sets but not throw collections ,many times i find myself selecting the same objects for all kinds of purposes .

I think this is essential to be able to select child objects without spreading all hierachies cluttering the outliner in big scenes…


sweet, I dont think Ive seen this in any software yet.

I’ll keep this renaming issue in mind, but its not super high priority. Might even be better to post about this in the papercuts. (or maybe that is how Blender does it and its going to stay like that…)

For now I do think that collections suffice. It would be nice to have a selection set feature though. Noted. :slight_smile:

@Xeluaxeman I like your idea for selecting child objects! I’ll think on this


I think that’s exactly what collections are for

Sometimes i guest need to pick objects without making things more complicated, and because i don’t want to link one object to to more than one selection layer .

Why would adding objects to a collection be more complicated than adding them to a selection set ? This is not clear to me. Your second point could use some clarification as well - why don’t you want to link one object to more than one selection layer (collection?) ? What are the adverse effects of that ? (I’m trying to understand the use case here, which at first glance collections seem to fit well)

VS Code indents by half the icon width and just got indent guides in v1.36. Maybe that would be a compromise to save horizontal space in deeply nested hierarchies?



After using this new VSCode tree for a few weeks now, I find it difficult to navigate with the half width icons. At least for me, its too narrow to easily see the nesting.

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I have to agree, it’s quite difficult to see at a glance. Moreover, it wouldn’t really work with the checkbox on collections, which is about as wide as an icon.

What you could look into are micro adjustments to save a few pixels perhaps. But more useful would be some kind of tooltip that shows you all the parents so that you don’t have to scroll.

@Xeluaxeman Started working on that icon select menu. Still has a few issues but shouldn’t be too difficult to resolve



Great Nathan

People will realize how important this feature is for large scenes.

Please make them announce this feature well when implemented so people can use the extra power.

Thanks my friend