Fields and Anonymous Attributes [Proposal]

That is just because the prototype is not a complete implementation. In general you should very rarely feel the need to give attributes explicit names in the proposal. The Attribute ... nodes (e.g. Attribute Transfer) that are in master and in this prototype just have not been ported to the new system yet.

Same reason as above, we just did not port everything to the new system yet, this is just a prototype currently.

Yes, we do want easier to use nodes for common randomization tasks. For now you could just create a node group instead of copying all nodes all the time.


I noticed that custom tooltips do not work in node groups with this patch.
The properties panel looks like this inside the group:
This is what the node looks like:

By the way are there plans for socket enums ? they would make a nice combo with a future multi-input switch node.

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I honestly don’t know for sure, as I’m not a developer, but I haven’t been able to find anything yet.

I love this all except the index is selected automatically

I propose modes,

auto (current implementation)
int (input hook)
and attribute

@Rusculleda @BD3D, thanks for your kind answers. :slight_smile:

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Unfortunatelly, the Fields branch doesn’t open here. Blender starts then suddenly closes. :frowning:
Windows 10. Any workaround?

I had a similar problem and in my case it had to do with the way I was unzipping the file. Using 7-zip solved it.

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Solved! Thanks a lot!

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Looks like we have got some good news here:


This is right what the GN I want!

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I am still kind of confused though. Why did we have to first do it the wrong way, then backtrack and then do it the right way? I mean it was obvious from the start this is how GN should work. I am puzzled why the original attribute system not only got approved, but even made it into master and was called production ready.

It’d make more sense to have these design tests earlier, and have features in beta longer, so there are no more debacles like this one, where significant portion of what’s already been called production ready will most likely be deprecated, removed and break backwards compatibility.


Because it seemed the right way at the beginning, and it might look different from coders perspective. While it might be obvious for a user that we need to see what we are doing to keep track, for coders it might be more like do math in your head and then just fill attributes it saves some nodes and gives flexibility. It might be like with chess - if you playing long enough at some point need for visual representation of figures may seem redundant because you just see all the figures in your mind so you don’t need to see it with your eyes, but most people do (at least this is my guess). Also because coders probably were looking for a solution even better than what we have already in blender, it’s just sometimes “better” is the enemy of “the good one”. I can’t remember precise, but there was some Murphy’s law saying that if you upgrade something long enough, there’s a big chance that you will end up breaking it. Good thing is that we didn’t stick with this state for good, but yea it will cost some time and effort to get used to new system, but it’s better to have it usable than fighting with attributes in long term. And yea we can complain that we didn’t have system right way since February, or we can do our best to help develop system the way it should be, I think devs really got the feedback already and for now I don’t see the point in looking back we are all human beings after all, and every one makes mistakes. I’ll also have to make my group nodes from starch (before I tested fields I was skeptic to the whole idea of turning workflow upside down), but I’d rather focus on just remaking it than wondering what could be done but wasn’t (it ain’t productive at all, and helps no one).


That’s a bit False tho
There was many complaint about the attribute system right from the start.
In fact, my first ever feedback was about this, i recall how weird it was to not being able to “separate the attr” and other users had the same feelings back in the days

I think that the new developement pace is a bit to blame
everything must be done fast and new masterbuild every 3 months ect… that do not leaves a lot of time to think deeply about some isssues perhaps


When you see the system for first time it’s natural that everything it’s new, first opinions are not always true as well. I agree that GN shouldn’t make to 2.92 and 2.93 official, but it did and unless you have time vehicle you can complain about for years and it changes nothing.
Well if you sacrifice long time of your life to develop something it’s natural you hope that people will get used to it if they give it some time. They were just wrong, it’s already been said many times.

I think that devs at this point really have no doubts that it might be done better from the beginning, and now they’re doing everything they can to fix it. There is no need to make witch-hunt it’s what I mean.

I am having extremely hard time imagining this seemed like the right way to anyone who knew what they are doing. It’s really frustrating to read these kinds of nebulous posts saying like “It’s always this way, there is this and that law, it’s subjective, we are just humans, etc…”

No, it’s not. There are many existing examples of not only software packages who have gotten features right on the first try, but also those that have been doing it consistently for years, sometimes even decades.

This is a prime example of design by someone with no practical end user experience combined with no review by someone with one. Someone was allowed to bring such design completely under the radar all the way to the final, non experimental Blender builds.

A great example of a system similar to GN developed by someone who as also experience as an end user is TyFlow, a 3ds Max plugin. It had vast majority of things and workflow gotten right already at the release, and people were able to utilize it in production for even very complex things already in the very first version. All that it took was someone who knew what features and what kind workflow are necessary minimum for it to be truly usable.

I am in no way implying that a developer also has to have any substantial experience as an user. But if that is not the case, then it necessitates that a feature design produced by such developer is sanity checked already during the development, not after it’s been included in production version and called production ready.

As BD3D says… this has been obvious from the start. What went wrong is that despite many complaints, whoever was in charge of GN simply plugged their ears with their fingers and went “NANANANA” as loud as they could. And this is why now we have to back track.

Bottom line is that there is absolutely nothing that would prevent us from having the Fields proposal as the first, initial GN implementation. And had that been the case, we would most likely have many more happy and productive GN users than we have right now.

Open source or paid ones? They are not some huge corporation.

Repeating same song again and again makes it really tempting to plug my ears and go nanana right now. This was said many times before, now it’s better late than ever. The thing you are doing now seems more like kicking a lying man on the ground than constructive critics. What do you want to devs do? Shame walk or sth?


How does that have to do anything with the development process? Size of the dev team nor source being open or closed has any impact on development method. It’s a choice.

I think my critique was constructive enough. I directly suggested that if the features are designed by someone without practical end user experience, then that should be compensated for by letting users be involved sooner than when the feature is added into an official non beta Blender build with a “Production ready” sticker on it.

If GN were released in experimental branch, same as Cycles X, we would not have to read there will now have to be substantial amount of development spent on backwards compatibility, and only after that, progress on making the Fields system better:

That’s pretty much only thing I’d like to see changed. That they let users get involved while they develop features, not after they do.


Well it have to do with a lot, open source development it’s different, on many levels, starting with less salary, less man power, and more searching for compromises and workarounds. They can’t afford to just buy top coders on the market to make miracle work in a month, they have to be careful to keep the blender going, there are no guaranties that they will have the same budget next year as they have now and there are many areas to maintain and develop not just GN. Maybe attributes just seemed better, faster to implement, easier to code on time, more flexible, I don’t know, I’m not a coder, but I just don’t assume that it was an obvious piece of cake to create from scratch a complicated node system. At 2.92 release people got really horny for GN so they released it, and yep it shouldn’t happen but if they wouldn’t release it there would be also a backlash that they are doing nothing, and GN is in alpha forever feature, so they probably bent under pressure.

With the rest, I can pretty much agree, those are legitimate points. Everything is more clear and constructive when we speak more respectfully, focusing on what could be better for the future rather than digging up what can’t be changed already.


I think it depends on how they decide to achieve the backward compatibility . I discussed with my friends how it is possible to make it backward compatible when we already removed a bunch of Attribute nodes in the prototype. The result of our discussion was that one possibility is to keep the old nodes working but not include them in the Shift A menu. If they decided to do that, I don’t think it would cost that large amount of time. But if they decide to convert old attribute nodes to the new function flow nodes somehow, it might be a bit tricky.

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