hi i wanted to propose few additions to force fields
- Vortex and Force Field should have kill partices option checkmarker and slider for spherical shape size.
- that force fields should have themself options to change empty shape and size.
- but the most important : add custom curve for vortex and force field to adjust the strengh of pull / push because now it looks like its terrible hard to do linear speed for attraction to center if particles around vortex. its hard to explain but just look at this screenshot.
on the left side vortex have strengh of 1. but particles doesnt get pulled in to middle.
if you do 1-2 inflow then particles are pulled to center but you cant get particles spin around many times untill they are in middle…
so you have to use vortex and force field. like this:
it has like some invisible strengh limitation if particles get near middle.
which really terrible time consuming to do it like on right particle circle…
what are the benefits of that?
for 1. so vortex inflow slider just sucks ! it never works as expected… i mean vortex strengh should just spin and inflow should attract or push like force field does. but now its terrible hard and tme consuming to make it spin nicely and so need to run through particle weight, speed or else options all the time …
with kill particles checkmarker and slider for affected size would no need to have additional seperate collision object with kill particles …
never udnerstood that inflow option…
for 2. it would free space in properties TAB , now empty in propertie tab just have 2 options…
- it would reduce clicks…