EEVEE NPR Prototype - Feedback

Thanks anyway.

I really like this branch!
I saw it on YouTube and thought it was a great example:
Also, after seeing it, I had an desire for a feature that would be nice to have.

If there are multiple options and values per light source and make them findable in the NPR shader(in ‘For Each Light’), it would allow us to do things like have rim lights with different values for each light.
Its utilization will vary depending on how user configure the NPR shader!


Wait i have the question for you. Do you know how to remove black background? It’s not easy to remove background for me :c

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oh hey! If i understand right you’re trying to overlay an effect on top of a plane in front of the camera and still see stuff behind it right? you can do that by setting the plane in front of the camera to have a refraction material with an IOR of 1

and in the material settings make sure you have raytraced transmission turned on

then in your NPR tree plug combined color into the NPR output, anything you do in between that will be overlayed on top of the background render


Oh, look like a great tutorial :0
And what about normal object and mesh of grease pencil?

Hello, great work on this prototype!

I was wondering if this sort of setup was possible with the Image Sample node? Maybe I’m doing something wrong or will this be possible in future iterations? I’d like to reuse the same texture object for multiple UVs/samplers, while keeping this object easily replaceable with no workarounds like wrapping the Image Texture node inside of a nodegroup to make it a “global variable” of some sorts.

If it wasn’t planned to be added in the first place, I’d like to suggest this functionality. I think it will be a huge benefit for everyone. Thank you!

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Great work so far! :slight_smile:
I have a question regarding feedback loops. Is it possible to have some kind of feedback loops across frames with the NPR branch? Like it is possible to use simulation nodes in geometry nodes (and attributes to bring them to shader land), is it also possible to do the same directly with shader nodes or NPR nodes? And I mean like the repeat zone but across frames?

I also tried to start a conversation about this in the matrix chat here
Edit: the link doesnt work apparently, it is the everything nodes chat

Sorry for the recent lack of replies, I’ve been too busy with other things (although we’ve had several NPR design meetings recently).

Note that you can still output AOVs from NPR nodes.
Am I missing something?

Yes, this is more like a temp hack for the prototype. We are discussing internally much better ways to handle this.

It’s not intended to work at the moment (the image node still outputs a color, not an Image, notice the socket colors), but yes, that’s something we have thought about, it’s just not a target for the prototype.
My only worry is that people will abuse it to do image filtering inside the material, instead of having the filtering already baked into the image, which would be much more performant.
But other than that, yes, I agree this would be really useful for things like triplanar mapping or texture bombing.

I think this was discussed at some point. It’s not possible and not currently planned, but it would be cool to have.
The main problem is the “cache” would have to be in screen space (which comes with many issues and limitations) or use some kind of uv space baking (which would be a huge development project on its own).

Which channel? The link doesn’t work.

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Okay I was expecting that. But do you know of any other way (using the GPU module for example) how one could get some kind of frame buffer feedback or ping pong buffering for textures?

Maybe my question is then not really fitting here, thats why i pointed you to the matrix chat as well. It is the everything nodes chat.

Both the plane and suzanne are enabled raytraced transmission, but it seems like the npr refraction node can only show the object that are not enabled raytraced? How can i get the scene color(in this case, the suzanne) back?

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