Community Help Needed Converting PNGs to SVGs

I updated the first comment again. We are 82.5% Done!

You guys are awesome.


They sure are. Thanks!

I’d like to help with those do we have a list of those to be completed?

There is a vtracer - opensource PNG->SVG tracer that do colors and fills.
There is CLI and web version, can be handy - VTracer

Yes, in the very first comment there should be a section showing “to do” items. I try to keep that top one up to date. At this moment it is these:

Edit: Note that the first item here, shown as “ops.paint.vertex_color_fill.png” can be ignored. So far we have not figured out how it is supposed to look.

Great. I’m a graphic designer so can knock these out in no time. For everything that blender has given me. I’d love to give back. You guys are freaking awesome.


ops.sculpt.* is done, and it’s 42KB: (41.4 KB)


Hey! All of these have now been converted!

@Neil_McNally sorry you missed out in the fun. I’m sure we can use your skills some how.

Thank you everyone for all this help. I think my next step is to work on the code to get these working.

I think I can skip working on theming these for now. The current icons have their colors altered a bit when changing from dark to light themes, but I think I can proceed without any of that for now. We have the option of adding an outline shadow to these which should increase contrast enough to not make this an immediate issue.


Hit me up, anytime. I’d love to help.

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heya, I have a class that I will be teaching in 2 weeks and the students might be able to all get on this. I will need to check with the school on my Monday. It might all be done by that time. I can let you know.