Colour coded icons

I second this order, it makes more sense to me as well.

They are two dots, not two particles. Then you can read the icon as you want. It can even resemble an H atom, if you please.

In this case what kind of constrain is in act here? Gravity? So a physics kind…

See? It’s questionable, arbitrary.
But let’s not go semantic again…

+1 for this one, this is much better than single flat, the Add Menu could use this too.

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Oh, my god, thank you!

I’ve been wondering why I sort of subconsciously felt that I could never find anything in Blender (I can’t count the number of times I have to search for the correct panel), and after you put it into words it suddenly makes sense why I’m having issues:

My mental model of what I’m doing in Blender doesn’t correspond with the UI design of Blender.

This deserves its own thread!

Any update on this? @Harleya, @pablovazquez - would love to hear both of your thoughts on this.

What kind of update are you wanting? This topic is almost 6 years old and resolved. This thread started with a proposition by our icon designer which led to much discussion and consensus. The implementation of which is why we now have icons with color in Outliner and Properties editor.

Is there a particular comment or idea or sub-thread in this that you are asking about?

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I can’t speak for @OcularEvolution, but to me it never felt like the shift to monochrome icons and color-coding was finished at all. We lost quite a bit of accessibility along with the removal of colored icons. Additionally, as stated above, some of the new icons are disorientingly similar : I mixup the icons for physics, particles and constraints on a regular basis, even though I use Blender daily. I think it is quite fair to suggest improving this area further.


Oh yes, completely fair. It just completely clear to me what part of this zombie thread I was supposed to opine on. LOL.

I also find our use of color to be confusing and incomplete. For example in Properties I’ve never liked that we have some that are grey and one white as those really shouldn’t be part of a palette like that. It makes the first five looks a bit disabled and “Collections” to be special and highlighted. The colors themselves also seem unrelated and not part of a cohesive set.

I also struggle with those physics , particles and constraints icons. I don’t mind “Particles” so would probably change Physics to something more to do like the “collision” modifier. No idea with “constraints”


i don’t get how anyone could mix up the icons for physics , particles and constraints… These icons look completely distinct to me.
The only thing about them that is similar is the color… How could that be improved?

A bit of brainstorming: Does color coding them the same actually makes sense?
Constraints affect the property (transform) of the object. So, maybe they should be orange, like the rest of object properties are, too?
Modifiers modify the object data (mesh/curve). So maybe they should be green, like object data properties are, too?
Meanwhile, Particles will be replaced with geometry nodes, so it doesn’t matter… keep it blue.

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Just let everyone use their own colors via theme prefs, then we don’t have to all agree on what should be blue vs purple vs green.


Coloring via theme preferences would be great.


Yeah, and making it possible to use more than 8 colors for collections would be great for organizing large scenes.

I usually run out of colors after a quarter of the scene anyway. It would be useful to assign “sub colors” to sub categories. For example, make all screw collections a shade of blue but make hex screw collections light blue, alan screws dark blue and philips screws cyan.

So just picking a color via color wheel would be fantastic.


Sure, but the default UI/GUI should be the best it can be, without anyone reaching for preferences.

Coloring blend files icons in file browser allow to distunguish them much faster.

In general, monochrome figma-like solution is a concept that has limited functionality in general - it may look good at the screenshot, but it is horrible to work with, since icons doesnot snap the attention properly during intence work, making all of them looking similar.

Same problem was in 2.4x, the only difference is that icons was black instead of white, so this problem lasts for much longer than 6 years.