Changes to Add-on and Themes Bundling (4.2 onwards)

I’m little confused about this. I am also teacher and have live classes. Similarly, I distribute add-ons (as well as default startup file, keyconfig etc.) so built-in addons are helpful.

But, Blender comes with dozens of add-ons. Realistically, how many do you actually use in class? From my courses I can say I have three addons that are mandatory, and around 10 that are based on “if user is in the situation that might benefit from this”.

Is it too much hussle to tell students “Go to preferences, type in Bool Tool and enable it?”

I also don’t get what you mean people won’t follow tutorials anymore. When guy says “Search for Node Wrangler and enable it”, viewer can go to extensions, type in Node Wrangler and click install. It’s the same thing. Are changes in names SO confusing that people won’t follow tutorials anymore?

I think people still don’t understand what this change is and get scared of the fact that add-ons aren’t part of Blender anymore.

All previously bundled add-ons are still there. Still in the preferences. You can still search for them and enable them. It takes from my testing maximum 3 seconds downloading them. Workflow is 100% same.

What actually changed:

  • Addons aren’t automatically downloaded with Blender, but are downloaded upon enabling them
  • In Extensions tab you have access to hundreds of more addons than you had before

@dfelinto there are nearly a dozen users expressing identical concerns, a concern that is conspicuously being discussed only by users, not developers. Are the developers planning on addressing this, or is “looking for feedback” in this case meant as “looking for positive feedback only, no concerns will be addressed”?


He replied here in the Beta Feedback thread, about having a bundle addons to download

which I feel can work but not sure


It depends on if you have easy internet access I guess. In a school situation with lots of pubescent pupils it can be quite beneficial to have the classroom computers not connected to the internet. :stuck_out_tongue:

I personally think Draise’s idea of pre-enabling the most used bundled addons is a good one.


Previous add-on system was atrocious from both dev and user point of view, dozens of abandoned add-ons shipped with Blender, and those that had maintainers weren’t get called in for fixing bugs, because triaging team did not know who maintained what.

Now each addon is clearly abandoned or has a specific maintainer with separate issue reporting channels. Users can actually reach out to add-on devs.


You still don’t get it and/or aren’t reading what people are saying.
In some educational and commercial environments, Internet Access is DISABLED. So no, it doesn’t take 3 seconds, it takes infinite seconds as it just won’t work.

So it’s no longer a case of grab Blender, install it, tick the addons you need and away you go.
It’s now, grab Blender, install it, work out a way to self host or manage a ‘collection’ of addons that use to be their by default and that all class notes or production workflows have been built around.

To me that sounds like a design flaw. It should have been possible to have a group of addons pre-installed (much like they currently are) but automatically linked back to the Extensions Platform.
That way, for anyone without Internet access, the user experience is basically the same as it is now and everything just works.
For those with Internet access, Blender (either automatically or by user choice) can go and check to see if any default installed addons have since been updated between main Blender releases and do the update.

Then ideally, the first thing that should have been done (even before any Extensions Platform was made/launched) was an audit and community consultation on the status and usefulness of all the addons have have been ‘shipped’ with Blender over the past few years.

I just realised another addon that is being left out in the cold (ie not core), LoopTools.


To the Blender Development Team:

First and foremost, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the entire Blender team on behalf of myself and all my students who use Blender for creating 3D content. Blender has revolutionized my life and approach to teaching animation, allowing me to deliver lessons in a more efficient and innovative manner.

I am thrilled about the introduction of the extension module feature in Blender 4.2. This is undoubtedly an exciting update that offers users greater flexibility and extensibility.

However, I would like to humbly propose a small suggestion for your consideration. It would be greatly appreciated if you could consider including commonly used plugins, such as Rigify, within the core Blender installation package.

These mainstream plugins have become deeply integrated into Blender’s native workflow, forming an indispensable part of many users’ creative processes. For many, these plugins are no longer mere add-ons; they are an integral part of the Blender experience.

Requiring an internet connection to download these plugins poses a significant challenge for users who lack access to the internet. They would be unable to utilize Blender’s shortcuts seamlessly and might even be hindered from completing basic creative tasks.

Therefore, I earnestly request that you consider incorporating frequently used plugins like Rigify into the native Blender installation package. This would ensure that users can still leverage Blender’s full functionality and unleash their creative potential, even in offline environments.

I am confident that this minor adjustment would greatly benefit the vast Blender community and further enhance Blender’s usability and practicality.

Thank you once again for your dedication and hard work. I eagerly anticipate Blender’s continued development and look forward to even more exceptional creative experiences for its users.



I’m sorry to be so blunt, but “I feel can work” is a sentence you can only say if you haven’t worked in a truly restritive company environment.

Yes you can argune that a lot of the plugins were never used by many users.
Yes, you can make it work with 4.2 as well, somehow.
Yes, it’s theoretically a good thing if Blender gets smaller in size and only downloads the needed plugins. But this seriously is a pure theoretical idea that will fail in many restrictive environments.

I can guarantee that our IT department will immediately shut down an unverified addon plattform where developers can openly create addons and everybody can download and execute them. Which means we will have to ask for remote download and installation of each and any plugin for any new blender download now. Forgotten one? Ask IT department again and wait. And that is not just one person - that is for everybody working with the software. Individually. Every new version.
The concerns for schools were also voiced by other users.

The concerns are bluntly that the currently bundled Addons are by now a part of Core Blender functionality. And they are also verified safe as being part of Blender. I assume everybody has their own set of addons they activate at startup to make blender work the way they need to.

This is a concern of all the institutions that rely on Blender working with the expected functionality after download/installation out of the box. I cannot stress enough that internet access and download permissions in schools and companies is not a given thing after downloading and installing a program any more.

A simple - “here is your one time transition package” in this case is really concerning to me.
Offering an ‘unbundled’ version would be totally fine. And I’d absolutely use it on any less restrictive system. But for all the other environments a bundled version (as is) is unfortunately by now more or less a necessity.


See my reply above, it is not about some secs to download, it is about the user getting back to where she was prior to upgrading 4.2

4.2 should install the enabled default add-ons automatically. I am now looking at a blank list; I don’t even remember what functionality came from what default add-on. This will definitely confuse a lot of people. And it takes a while to figure all that out and go through a long list of add-ons to reinstall them, imagine this being done a by a million people. It might cost humanity 500.000+ hours.

Changes to Add-on and Themes Bundling (4.2 onwards) - #43 by kurk

See my other reply about it. I have been using Blender for something like 20 years btw. If it confused me it will confuse many other people. I did not spend all day to figure all this out but I had to reference previous version of Blender and figure all that out. Why force hundreds of thousands of people to do the exact same thing? Just give people an option to download the default addons.

The other issue is that the default addons won’t be even listed if no internet connection is available. So I hit both of those issues, because my main desktop is not connected to Internet for various reasons.

I recently downloaded the latest Blender version, 4.2, without realizing that the platform upgrade was completed by that version and several core add-ons that I was using were missing - not even listed in the search. Since my main desktop is usually offline, it caused some confusion, and I’m sure it would be confusing for other users as well.

Changes to Add-on and Themes Bundling (4.2 onwards) - #40 by kurk


In theory, yes, in practice, it will make so close to no difference, that it actually doesn’t matter and just shouldn’t be a consideration.

I checked the ‘addons’ folder for Blender 4.1 and it takes up 444MB as installed.
HOWEVER, before anyone says that is a fair amount, 429MB of that is Cycles (which is of course core and part of the ongoing download).

Now, even if one may think that the remaining 15MB would still add up over a million downloads, keep in mind that the download installer (or the portable) is compressed.

Using just normal zip compression, that 15MB is now 4MB, you will download more then that just getting to the download page. So I really don’t think a smaller download should be considered a factor at all.


This doesn’t address the concerns on this thread at all, nor is it on this thread. I’m aware it takes time to manage this stuff, but even just a simple “we hear your concerns, we realize we may have made a mistake, and we’re going to brainstorm how to fix it” would be a better approach than a non-committal “we might think about this” on a different thread

Good communication = trust, and trust = confidence. The communication around this change needs to improve if the goal is to build trust in Blender


This was in Dalai’s last reply just yesterday, and he has a day off today.

Then there were more replies to that, and that feedback will be considered. But please be a bit patient.


Just a quick note that we are entering a long holiday week-end, so several devs are already ‘off-duty’ since yesterday. No worries, your concerns are not beeing ignored, and all feedback will be taken into account when the team is back to work next week. :slight_smile:


Just a quickie, unless I’m doing something wrong which may be the case cause the new “extension” tab is kinda confusing, how do I install an add-on that is purchased from places like Blender Market?
I’m assuming it’s the buried function of “Install Legacy Add-on.”
Why is this option buried in pulldowns and why is it called Legacy? That phrasing alludes to someone installing something old and incompatible.

As not to throw out concerns without a possible resolution… I know all add-ons are still “add-ons” but could the ones you have to load manually just be called “add-ons” and the ones you are getting from the Blender depository be called “extension” with their respective download buttons?


Earlier discussion indicated that the location of that command is placed as to discourage people from using it.

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Are markets like Blender Market hoping to do an auto update type feature with a depository, as I see there is a place to point to alternate file locations?

I’ve no idea what interest BlenderMarket many have expressed. Personally, I won’t be using any auto update feature, so not something I’ve wondered about. I’ll continue to read the release notes for add-ons that get updates, and decide on a per-case basis if I actually want to download and manually update it, just I’ve always done.

All it takes is for one bad line of code - unintentional or otherwise - to break an addon, or who knows what else. So I never want to install anything that’s crucial to production the moment it appears online.

Plus, code that can access blender, my OS, my files, and connect to the internet? Thanks, no.


That is actually a very good point. Addons so far also have been very much on a trust basis but with direct access to a separate repository and autoupdates Blender pretty much removed the safety per default.


I’m here just to add my voice that node wrangler and rigify need to be either kept core addon or even integrated into blender (for node wrangler that is).
Those are core functionnality that the whole cumminity use and tutorial maker have shed tears of salt for every time they had to say “go to edit - preference - addon - type node wrangler and activate it”, i think the conversation should not be if node wrangler is bundled with blender but how integrated it should be.

Rigify is basically the standard of sharing “default” rigs and it’s widely used by the blender studio. Isn’t the goal of the blender studio to battle test the software so that you can get good feedback instead of the noise the community tend to make ? Even them use intensively rigify so again the conversation should be “how integrated it should be”.


If addon is accessing Internet or OS it will be documented in permissions. And for updates addon isn’t accessing internet, Blender is.

You have point about auto-updates, I don’t do that as well. But, it’s good that we’re notified when there is an update so we don’t miss it still

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