Changes to Add-on and Themes Bundling (4.2 onwards)

You still don’t get it and/or aren’t reading what people are saying.
In some educational and commercial environments, Internet Access is DISABLED. So no, it doesn’t take 3 seconds, it takes infinite seconds as it just won’t work.

So it’s no longer a case of grab Blender, install it, tick the addons you need and away you go.
It’s now, grab Blender, install it, work out a way to self host or manage a ‘collection’ of addons that use to be their by default and that all class notes or production workflows have been built around.

To me that sounds like a design flaw. It should have been possible to have a group of addons pre-installed (much like they currently are) but automatically linked back to the Extensions Platform.
That way, for anyone without Internet access, the user experience is basically the same as it is now and everything just works.
For those with Internet access, Blender (either automatically or by user choice) can go and check to see if any default installed addons have since been updated between main Blender releases and do the update.

Then ideally, the first thing that should have been done (even before any Extensions Platform was made/launched) was an audit and community consultation on the status and usefulness of all the addons have have been ‘shipped’ with Blender over the past few years.

I just realised another addon that is being left out in the cold (ie not core), LoopTools.