Call for Content: Default Brushes

What about including the Orb brushes if licenses permit? Always been one of my favorites.

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View Normal automasking is enabled in Essential Brushes file.
That is messing up behaviour of this brush.

A Linear or Inverse Square Falloff will probably be more pertinent, as default, than a constant one for this brush.
And also a Smoother Falloff for Smooth Boundary.

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Thanks for pointing out the auto-masking! I disabled it again.

Many brushes in the file are still only placeholders and don’t fully work yet. I updated the boundary brushes but it would be great to test them more, figure out how many brushes are needed and with what setting configurations.


Well these are the brushes that I have saved usually:
To sketch hard surface I like to have one draw sharp with stroke in line and other with stroke in curve,
same thing for multiplane scrape, I like to have the inflate in airbrush and the blob in airbrush with jitter in 0.5 and size presure on, it could be interesting to add a draw with the dash ratio and length options, all the others are more or less named in the thread, are you adding node tools? a tool to scatter objects in facesets, an array tool or some filters with the procedural textures would be nice too, you could also add the hair from the conference to the hair assets maybe…
robin.hohni, love the brush baker addon, it would be nice to add the creation of alpha brushes (I think it is done with the height map) there too if you have time.

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I tried my hand in creating thumbnails for my brushes. Masking is hard!

Cloth Stretch



Smear Expand (or Average)

Sharp Crease


I like Ryan Kingslein’s Ball Stylus brush for Zbrush. It’s like a Clay brush but when you inverse sculpt on corners it works kind of like a Scrape brush. Helps with building volume and creating planes without the need to change between Clay and Scrape brushes.

[Moderation notice, violation against our forum rules, video removed]

You can get it for free on his gumroad.
I tried recreating it in blender with the Scrape/Peaks brush with these settings:

But in order to control the strength of the brush you need to play around with both Brush Strength and Plane Offset settings.

Would have been nice if we had an option to add this kind of scrape corner effect on Clay and Clay Strips brushes tho.


I can agree that crease brush works suspicious and produce the result that better fits regular inverted brush rather than produces specifically crease effect, but I am not sure it could be fixed with settings (or at least I didnt succeed to reach the necessary amount of pinch and sharpness, also there were known issues with brush engine in general - Right-Click Select — Blender Community)

I mean if it is needed to set some value to its maximum to achieve the behaviour which is supposed to be default it is more an internal problem and value is hardcoded to be weak, since the defaults are supposed to have a middle-ranged values in order to provide a certain amount of a control flexibility.

There is not much sense to add more brushes. There is fundamental issue, that makes all round brushes oversmoothed. And the reason described years ago in the RCS topic, that Paul attached in the previous post.

Also there is second issue: displacing from normal and from surface. So the same brush with flat cuttind edge profile produces stroke with flat sides on the plane, but stroke with curved sides on the sphere.

Real sculpting tools do not work like this. Blade cuts any surface in the shape of blade. Stack displaces any surfaces in the shape of stack and produces some bulge around (usually bulge is unwanted, tbh)
So this is how chisel stroke should work. Same profile, displaced from solo averaged normal for any surface.

Yes, there can be displace brushes, that push and pull from normal, but it is another class of tools.
One displace can respect tiny details, another can smooth em with additional smooth option.

Anyway I dropped serious sculpting with blender due to theese issues with brush engine.


the proper “crease” brush was never committed, because pablo dobarro left

find a dev to committ the patch and its all good


I´d like to propose two changes to the sculpting-defaults:

  1. Clay-Brush: Set “Auto-Smooth” to 0 by default, as it causes the brush-behaviour to be less predictable.

  2. Deactivation of “Unified Radius” by default.

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A lot of my work involves dealing with baked (mesh) hair cards on models imported from other programs. For my purposes, it’d be very useful to have a variant of the pose/boundary brush specifically tailored to strips of quads.

For instance, you use an edge attribute to mark “scalp” edges which will be locked in place. When you use the brush to grab a strip, it proportionally edits everything between the scalp edges and the brush. Everything beyond the brush moves rigidly along with your gesture (100% influence), which solves issues with using something like elastic deform, where you drag its midsection and everything above and below stays in place. This brush would also be “smart” about making sure edges parallel to the scalp edges remain at roughly the same length, to ensure the texture on the hair cards isn’t getting warped too much.

It would also be nice to have different ways to curl, twist, and bend hair according to the normals of the faces “above” each edge in the mesh strip. Something like using Individual Origins on a chain of bones.

Speaking of a brush presets, isnt there a necessity to replicate Planar brush? Flatten brush has nudge vestigial behaviour and Scarp follows the relief, none of them keep plane set by initial point by default (normal and plane checkboxes are disabled)

Scrape brush seems to be ok, but behaviour of Flatten brush is suspicious, since it does not actually flatten anything by default, so enabling normal checkbox for it seems to be reasonable.

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here we go!
Yes this is way closer to what I mean.

Yeah, many folks coming from zbrush asked for this, and Pablo delivered. He even wanted to improve it further, but tbh, the way it is right now it’s already very usable.
The patch is there, the big problem is, well, you know what the problem is :v:

Sure, just wanted to mention that crease brush problem is not a problem of a default preset.

I agree some brushes need development as well.There are limits to the brush settings.
Even though this thread shouldn’t be focused too much on feature proposals,
it’s great to get feedback on how the brush settings can be improved to make some brush configurations easier or possible :+1:

But apart from that, it’s good to find a ‘close enough’ brush within the current state of Blender :wink:

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It’s a workaround to make “draw sharp” draw sharp. Brrrrh!

It uses a gradient texture, and ‘rake’ option.
If legacy textures are deprecated in the future, there could be an image-based gradient instead.

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I started adding some more brushes based on proposals. I’ll push this soon. Then they can be found in the file and tested.
Plenty of suggestions that I’ll need to investigate. If you have prototypes of brushes to share that would help!

@nickberckley The brush texture wasn’t packed into the file. Can you reupload?

Many great suggestions!
I like the button brush but I think that one is too specific. A fantastic base for some textured brushes tho!

That seems like a very general change for the brush engine. You can force this behavior with tight spacing, low strength and maybe textures. But this feature might be outside of the scope for now.

That will remain a per Scene setting so it’s easy to set this up via your startup file.

That one is fascinating! I think we can get close with the crease brush but not with this ‘curling inwards’ creasing. Would be cool to implement something like that because … yes this brush is very hacky.

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