Blender UI paper cuts

UI: Text Alignment Improvement.

I’d like to make a suggestion for alignment in all drop down panels more specifically the alignment of the text for groupings, within Panels/Drop Downs

I’m assuming the Text Indentation was a design decision to aid in identifying groupings within the Panel/Drop Down lists?

I think think it would be better and cleaner for the interface if the text was left aligned and I don’t think you lose anything to do with clarity.

Funnily enough, look what her majesty autodesk says:


Lock Vertex :
Now the 2 workflows to lock vextex in edit mode, at least the ones that I know, are hide if you want to lock them, but you don’t have visibility, or to use the shape keys, you can modify the whole mesh but you “save” that vertex positions in object mode, I think it would be nice to lock the position and add a color too, the same workflow as the mark sharp or mark seam, and keep the visibility that way.

Autodesk wrote that? Wow that’s really wonderful. Great to see mutual respect amongst software like that.

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Yep, unbelievable, they did!

Actually it’s (GoClickGo Marketing Inc.), not Autodesk Inc. itself.
But anyway they are authorized partners

There is a disussion about it.
This problem is not so easy to handle)
Addons list can be easily too long to scroll, while workbenches list is mostly defined.

That discussion was born because there were highlighted problems and solutions here as papercuts :wink:

Anyway, better a very long strip than the current situation … at least it is an easy step forward …
Then if better ideas come along, so much the better.

We can make this strip not so long with configurable tabs to have immediate access only to those add-ons that we need most.

the ideal solution would be to have the possibility to have custom presets of addon collections, so from group to group the users make the combinations of addon that they prefer.
in this way the problem of length strip becomes completely marginal.

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THat would charge users of further work on customization though. But… you may say, there is already a categorization for addons, as you can see in preferences. Maybe starting from there…

don’t work, too slow … better custom preset lists, with a click you can clone them and rename them and add or remove addons and you’re done.
talking muscle memory is much more effective.


Sounds easy in your words. But it’s a complete new feature. Food for RCS site

@billrey Could be made that these two Nodes in the Compositor would be almost equal and also use the same ordering? It’s harder to remember this way :slight_smile:
(those are two different EXRs from different renderings (some passes are missing in one) but still for example albedo and normal is interchanged and also in the Image Node (left) the Normal socket isn’t blue. While AO is yellow in both but shouldn’t it be grey?)


cloning a list is like copying a text file, or rather an xml file like that of the themes and things like that … neither more nor less …
indeed in my opinion the current categorization system is more complex… the only drawback of the current system which is that it is not fast at all, and to every addon you add you should reconfigure it for each workspace and working mode … it becomes obvious something very boring to do …

It’s really annoying to expand channels each time, they should auto-expand whenever bone(s) are selected.


Another inconsistency:
“Edge Crease” and “Edge Bevel Weight” sliders on the “redo_last” panel have range from -1 to 1 and should have from 0 to 1:

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Both tools add or substract to actual selection, not put the same value to all edges. So the -1 is necessary to substract fue example 0,5 to selected edges

Indeed, I now see a difference in operation of these sliders, thank you for your explanation :).

So I saw the 2.81 batch renamer and I don’t think it can do anything I need. So I made a quick sketch that shows something that can do 99% of the name operations I usually need. What I need is suffixes and prefixes with removal of .001 suffixes so Ican produce short descriptive object names.

One thing I left out is that you should be able to write your prefix and suffix directly into the text boxes. For example for numeration you could just type ## which adds a double digit (01-99) to that slot. #r could be in reverse order (9-1). But it is important to have graphical user interface so it doesn’t take 10 minutes of googling to figure out the codes but codes should be also available as it is faster if you need to use the renaming often.


At the moment it is not possible to deactivate “freestyle render” if in workbench.

The only way is to switch to eevee or Cycles to turn it off.

A “freestyle” checker option should be present in workbench, or even better should be moved in some other neutral area, since it is a post process effect.
