Blender UI paper cuts

It is better to use the same interface to lock cursor transformations as to lock transformations of objects. In order not to overload the already terribly overloaded interface. In order not to produce extra buttons, the functions of which must be memorized beyond those that you already remember.

Initially, it seemed to me that this innovation (tools) in 2.8 would be very convenient. But a year passed, and I realized that I did not see any advantages in using tools. This is inconvenient for quick work. And I very poorly imagine how this can change for the better.
Tools are convenient for a beginner to use. The threshold for entering this method of work is very low.
Here the site is full of intellectuals who think otherwise. True, none of them gives objective arguments in favor of tools. I see only one plus - the ability to work with one hand, without a keyboard (on a graphics tablet). Very humane towards those whose brain cannot control both hands at the same time.

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I wrote it separately, but no one paid attention. I’ll try to post it here.

A bisect requires selected mesh elements.
It seems it’s time to do something like this:
and here:

Give the ability to cut all the geometry, not just the selected one.

The mirror operator can be provided with the option of inverting normals.

But why is there no mirror tool?

But you can not rush to change this, because These are just functions for easy operation. It’s better to deal with the interface settings for now, for example, determine the color of the buttons, or the thickness of the borders of the window. And these changes will be tolerated until version 3.0 or 3.8

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One issue i have is that with this new update and metric being standard. Is that i miss input values which actually make sense. For instance when using cloth, we do now see a weight in kg, but the wind is just some weird random number which doesnt say anything.

How can we know what proper wind values are when a cloth has X-amount of weight?!?!

I would prefer when say metric is used, that items would have more meaningful input values instead of those vague blender units, which dont say anything in metric standards.

17 06

Say i want to have a cloth using silk preset. Im using real scale values, so a flag of 1m by 3m. Why do i need to crank the window way above 5000? The cloth mass states 0.15kg for Silk. But was is that mass? Is that mass per 1m2 metric of fabric, is that the mass of the complete object?

This doesnt make any sense when using presets as its totally vague what is used as a measuring point.

Sorry for making this a rant, but i would love to have these kind of things see updates.


are you suggesting to treat 3D Cursor as an object and remove it from tools? IMHO 3D Cursor as it is used now with the new tool system does make a little to no sense (to me at least), it should be either a part of any tool which relies on it (even if its properties propagated to every tool it is used by) or to be removed completely and to have its functionality replaced by using an empty

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Is it cycles or eewee?

Cycles. I will put it there

Well, these artifacts are not exactly the problem of the blender or cycles. This is a common artifact of all simple geometric tracing algorithms.

I know for a fact that Redshift doesn’t do it.

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There’s no UN-crease menu option? :frowning:

I had to google how to remove creases in 2.8 since I rarely use them. I thought 2.8 would have made that option easily-accessible by now… but it’s still buried.
To be fair, being able to control the amount of the crease is nice and great for the user to discover (once he googles it), but this should be a visible “Edge-Marking” tool on the shelf that lets you mark edges as sharp or creased etc. (if you want the user to happily discover why there is no “uncrease” option when there clearly IS a “crease” option…)


You cannot use empty in edit mode.
Also, it is used in object mode very often.
3D cursor is a great tool, that replaces any kind of pivots in any kind of operations.
But it is nice if someone have possibility not to use it.


“New Scene,” should be created with default startup file settings

Currently when a new scene is created from scratch, it loads all the default settings that launch with Blender, meaning Cycles GPU performance settings are reset, as well as render window preferences and other things.

I know that I can create a new scene using “copy settings,” but sometimes there are certain things that I actually do want to change from scene to scene.

I’ve already told Blender what I want my “default,” to be when I created a custom startup file, so it would be nice (if not expected) if Blender could create new scenes with my default settings instead of the ones that come with Blender.

EDIT: For some clarification, my startup file is working fine when I open up blender. The issue is that when I add a new scene using the “new scene,” button in the top right corner of the screen it the new scene starts off with factory defaults instead of my default startup file.


Cancel button missing for baking / generating point caches
Please consider adding a cancel button to bring the baking and generation progress in line with the rendering progress in the statusbar.

Progress bar for generating point caches is missing a cancel button / cancel UI element.

Add a cancel button as used in the render progress bar

with UI element to cancel the task
without UI element, can be canceled via pressing ESC only


Dropdown triangle in Properties > Physics > Dynamic paint need a bit of spacing

The dropdown triangle UI element in the canvas or cache list of dynamic paint is very close to the lists content. Therefore making it hard to see and understand that it reveils a seach / filter function.




Add a few pixel more top spacing in order to bring it in line with the top & bottom spacing of the other drop down triangles. As show in the following example:


Alternative options for the UI layout:

  • Add an additional toggle button to show / hide the filter on the right below the add / remove buttons.
  • Add some more space to the list view in general. Two lines would be enough to let it breath a bit more.

And maybe give it more room by default…


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Both Edge Rail and Boundary are options for the inset tool where remembering them comes in handy. Thus I propose to expose them in the Active Tool and Workspace Settings in the Properties Panel.

Here is a patch that implements it:


Render Region should be in Viewport Shading Screenshot%20from%202019-08-21%2000-55-44


Here are proposals about global functions in outliner for heavyweight (~1000 collections) setups.

A) Normal state - initial state of outliner

B) Ability to use ctrl+LMB outliner isolation as toggle, with restoring previous global state.
First ctrl+LMB press remembers inital state of scene visibility, and isolates collection, second - restores previous state of scene, stored by firts ctrl+LMB.
This will allow to quickly figure out what is stored in any collection.

C) Ability to invert visibility - to figure out what is hidden in scene. Red line is drawn in UI.

D) Ability to swap any column with visibility. This will allow to view and edit render/other state of objects of entire scene as visibilty for better scene handling and control. Column, that was swapped with visibility column became purple.

E) Ability to make everything visible via single toggle hotkey (maybe * key), to make sure what it contains during setup.

Here is GIF:


Placing the 3d cursor with shift + right click should inherit the properties from the tool settings (e.g. orientation set to geometry in tool, should orient to geometry with shift + right click as well).

Thanks :slight_smile: