Blender UI paper cuts

IMHO it would be even to add a button (additionally to transformation locks) to set all those values to zero (e.g. “Cursor to center”)

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UI snapping bug


Eh, headers at the bottom are not a good idea. Put it on top. :wink:

But yeah.

when creating a new panel by dragging out from the edge and manually setting the panel type (shader editor, view 3d, image viewer etc) there is currently no way to set the panels default tool (move, vs box select) since the panel wasn’t present in the startup.blend file.

when I keep making temp shader editor panels, and trying to drag the nodes and instead of them moving, I getting the box select on drag. I have move tool toggles for that, so it’s very much apaper cut. And, no matter how I set the startup file… always happens.

(yes I know I could use layout configs, but I keep just manually remaking my layout anyway)

check the blend file for the last editted panel of that type and get it’s ui defaults.

(same thing happens with the import file browsers for likely the same reasons…)



Currently lists with more than a few options can only be scrolled by using the mouse wheel or cursor keys. This leaves out pen tablet users and means you always have to take your hands away from the pen to reach for the keyboard or mouse.

Lists should be scrollable by either [Alt]-Click Drag, when hovering over the small arrow at the bottom of the list or should add a scrollbar (which still comes with its own problems when the list is very long and the bar becomes too small).




Image from the Sorcar addon, could be handling things differently to fix the ‘issue’ but used as example here since it illustrates the problem I’m writing about well.

Sidepanel Tabs get squashed and truncated beyond usefulness.

What is happening:

  • Tabs get truncated, sometimes beyond the first letter even.
  • When trying to scroll the list of tabs it instead scrolls through the tabs, switching them.
    • A nice to have alt function to the scrolling but should reside under Alt modifier + scroll wheel instead.

What should be happening:

  • If too many tabs to fit them all, truncate up to first word but not beyond, if truncate at all.
  • Scrolling over them should move the tabs into view to reveal the ones outside of the view.
    • Scrolling while holding Alt modifier key should both scroll the view and at a similar rate switch through the tabs so that the active tab is always in view.

Bonus feature I’d appreciate, but not at all high priority:
Having a extra moveable sub area divider to be able to expand the tabs into two columns(rows?) in case there’s enough of them to warrant that need.


shift+c does precisely that

This is very much needed, icons are much needed as well… They could solve a lot of these things, as well as complement the text


I really lack the ability to assign keyboard shortcuts to menus with sub-items


The 3D viewport header has some settings.

You can disable the “tool settings.”

But why there is no way to do this:

Or, better, like this:

Why somebody will want to eliminate the tool settings that users need to use the active tool?

remove the viewport header is a long battle that nobody want to fight. You can actually put dowm making more easy to use.

I would like also prefer to set double X as “Remove prevous mode”
For example, if last X deletion was “Edge collapse”, pressing XX will collapse edges, until other option will be selected from menu.

Also, Smart delete addon provides contextual deleting, depending on current mode. It is not complete (no dissolve), but useful for repetative work.


Because it’s a feature that wasn’t properly thought-through and shows some stuff while hiding other stuff arbitrarily. I can see it going away in two Blender versions tbh.

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Unfortunately, I can cite only myself as an example.I rarely use tools. In fact, over the past year I used it only once, and this is because the blender does not have a convenient shortcut key for a bisect.
If your workflow is built by working with the keyboard (as they did in the old days), then the tools are not needed. And, as a result, their settings are not needed.

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thank you, last time I’ve checked it there was no possibility to set cursor rotation values to zero (except for manually doing so). I would still include the button though

Add a keymap entry to 3D View (Global) that calls wm.context_set_value

The context attribute you’ll need is scene.cursor.rotation_euler and the value should be [0,0,0]

The wm.context_... operators don’t have the best documentation, but you can read up on them here.

wm.operator_pie_enum is a fun one, too.

The way it works now is not ideal and everyone knows it
I do agree that some parts of the new UI do seem clunky and especially rough on some edges, but at the same time I do believe that a proper tool system is the way to go. Right now we are like in the first iteration and some tools don’t seem to make sense, but tools could help remove/reinvent some parts of the UI to make it “more usable” (I know it may sound subjective).

Tools are not just for simple operations, they could help make UI more usable
Look how vector graphics use 2 different select tools to change between Object and Edit modes (we don’t have to use different modes in Inkscape for that matter, maybe internal context switch but it is still hidden from us – users). Some parts of the UI don’t make use of keyboard shortcuts, like some properties of bones are accessible in Object mode and some are in Edit mode (do we have to switch modes to just change a property of the Bone inside Properties Editor?). So we could use tools for context switch instead.

We could introduce the idea of parametric objects
We could have objects that have certain properties, which could change easily (and not just after creation as part of a last action) before converting it to editable object (selectable vertices/edges/faces) Tools would appear based on selected object type (e.g. bones have different tools than meshes) and allow us enter respective mode (e.g. “Vertex Tool” or “Edge Tool” could result in “Vertex Mode” and “Edge Mode” instead of Object and Edit modes, they way Inkscape uses “Node Tool” or “Select Tool” to access desired data) and have all the properties that belong to an object in the Properties Editor all the time.

Using all areas in order to improve efficiency
At the moment tool settings are available on the top and on the side panel of a view and even on the Properties Editor, I’m sure it will change and we strive to provide constructive criticism it will definitely change for the better. For example I would personally remove tool settings from Properties Editor and use both the sidebar (N-Panel) and top area. That way we could have detailed tool settings on the side and could use top bar as a quick menu, but for tool settings where we could decide what to put up there for each tool individually.

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Thank you, I do consider custom scripts for some stuff, but I think something that simple and often used deserves its place. Why do we even need location and rotation number fields in the first place? They take much more space than a single button, but I would ask myself what do I use more often?!. I don’t actually mind the way it works now (using <shift+c>), I remember using it in earlier iterations and I do think it would not set rotation values back to zero (maybe I’m mistaken). Thanks again!

It is better to use the same interface to lock cursor transformations as to lock transformations of objects. In order not to overload the already terribly overloaded interface. In order not to produce extra buttons, the functions of which must be memorized beyond those that you already remember.

Initially, it seemed to me that this innovation (tools) in 2.8 would be very convenient. But a year passed, and I realized that I did not see any advantages in using tools. This is inconvenient for quick work. And I very poorly imagine how this can change for the better.
Tools are convenient for a beginner to use. The threshold for entering this method of work is very low.
Here the site is full of intellectuals who think otherwise. True, none of them gives objective arguments in favor of tools. I see only one plus - the ability to work with one hand, without a keyboard (on a graphics tablet). Very humane towards those whose brain cannot control both hands at the same time.

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