Blender UI paper cuts

One UI nitpick I’ve had for a while now is the fact that when selecting edge loops for UV unwrapping and using Ctrl+Shift+Click to select the shortest path of edges, it checks “fill region” every single time you pick a shortest path, even if you disable it after the first time. It would be helpful if it remembered your selection or made it a toggle. I use shortest path all the time when selecting seams for UV mapping and that extra click adds up quick.


Developers hate the shift key. :slightly_smiling_face:

Something related, The blender.exe is lost in the middle of all those other files (not visible with out scrolling, and you can zoom past it with out even seeing it). Most other programs spoon feed this process a bit more, so first timers may not even know too look for a .exe file. So if possible, it would be handy if that .exe would be in the folder before the cluttered one. That way its stands alone and also it would save us common users a double click and a search each time we gab a new build.

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Hello, me again.

We used to have shift+uparrow and downarrow for delta frame offset . This is an essential key binding for compositing and rotoscoping works.

I have checked creating two key with shit+ up and down arrow without any conflict. Please bring it back in default blender if it’s alright.
Also just a tiny proposal: instead of creating delta for each, is it possible to give a global delta in the timeline panel. So that we can choose the delta as needed?
Then we don’t even need to give different key bindings.

Did anyone notice that Outliner search is completely useless? You can search for something, let’s say all objects starting with “Plane”, but then you can’t really do ANYTHING with those search results. You can’t for example select all the objects you searched for. You just searched for something that’s pretty much throw away. You can’t even box select all the search results manually, because box selection doesn’t scroll the outliner vertically, so you are only limited to what’s visible in the current scroll segment. The only way to select objects you’ve located using search function is to select them by clicking them one by one and holding shift. How the hell did not anyone see this?!

So not only is there a complete nonsense of outliner pre-selection and then having to right click to actually SELECT the selected things, but then there is a THIRD form of pre-selection, which is used by search, and can’t even be used to actually select the objects.

Unable to click and drag to move the “reroute node point” using the selection tools. (Left click select)

Pressing G has nothing to do with it. I’m talking active tools here.


I really miss the ASSIGN, SELECT and DESELECT buttons related to materials in the shader editor.

To use this options we need to have a Properties area with the Materials context. We could be working on shading with just a 3d viewport area and a Shader Editor area if we had this buttons on the Shader Editor area. I think they are the only important missing, the rest is replicated in this area.


I cannot reproduce those issues. Searching in the Outliner works here, as does selecting and operating on the search results.

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[SOLVED] shortcut is shift+n
Reaclcualte normals ctrl+shift+n always comes with inside check by default. Should be unchecked default.

There are two different hotkeys, shift+n will do what you’re asking.


Ow thanks. marking as solved

Using ICK I searched the scene and found roughly 50 objects starting with “apts”, like this:

How do I select them now? I would expect that as soon as I press enter, they are selected, but that is not the case. I can only select them one at a time
When pressing Q, I can only select the ones that fit into the height of the outliner UI panel. How do I perform selection on ALL of the found objects? A feature every other outliner out there has? How do I select ALL the objects highlighted in green at once?


It’s seems like you are looking for Outliner synced selection. This will be in Blender 2.81.

Not just that. Any basic ability for the search to be useful. I mean right now, what search allows you to do, is to easily answer your question “Which objects containing this string in their name are present in the scene?”. But most of the time, user actually uses search to perform selections and operations on such objects in the scene, not just finding out if they are present or not.

Hi everybody!

I know that 2.8 is suposed to be frozen. But is the Texture paint opacity default value really going to be 1 (100%)? I just think it is a bit strange because 2.79 was not like that.

I mean, if the texture paint overlay is set to “zero” and the viewport shading color is set to “Texture” we can see the texture being painted and the shading information. Like this:

This setup could be the default for the texture paint workspace.


I really do not understand Opacity option for Texture Paint mode, mainly about why that option is available for LookDev/Eevee modes. If you are in these view modes, it is because you surely want to see lighting/shading (Opacity=0).
It is assumed that the user must have correctly configured their material nodes, so that the user can see the paint/material in LookDev/Eevee modes while painting with Opacity=0 (I do not find utility at opacity values ​​other than 0 in those modes ).
In Solid mode I think that the configuration that you show is the correct one by default Opacity=0 and Texture color, otherwise it is difficult to detect that you are painting in a 3D environment. Anyway in Solid mode I find Opacity values could have some use, for example with Opacity=1 in Solid mode it can be useful to detect errors/mistakes in the painting without Viewport shading influences.

Another problem when Texture Paint shows viewport shading, is that Color Picker/Pipette samples by default the Screen colors in 3D Viewport, something that generates unintentional mistakes in the user when believing that he is painting with the real color of the model, when in fact viewport shading has had influence on color sample. I think that the default configuration would be that sampling with the picker/pipette in 3D viewport “always” should sample by default the real color of the model paint, just as “S” key samples by default. Sampling of colors on screen could be used only in other editors such as UV/image Editors, but not in 3D Viewport editor.

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Hello everyone! I would like to ask where is the little cursor icon in outliner?

This is a little description what I’m talking about (information from

selectability (mouse cursor icon)

This is useful for if you have placed something in the scene and do not want to accidentally select it when working on something else. S will toggle this property for any objects that are selected in the Outliner .

Hi there Vyacheslav2212.

This column is now an option that you can enable in the outliner filters button.


Wouldn’t it be more useful if you could click the up button once more to move to modifier to the bottom of the stack? The icon could change to the TRIA_DOWN_BAR icon image

That doesn’t sound especially useful to me. Jumping something to the top or bottom might be nice, but it would be nice for all items, not just those that happen to currently be at the bottom or top. That would just be inconsistent and confusing, and I cannot envision any use case where someone would need to specifically move items between the very top and very bottom of the stack.