Blender UI paper cuts

Shhhhh… Things are easier to use when they are left aligned.

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This is awesome ! But I dont think this should be a button (or at least not only…)
It should be activate while scrubbing while Alt pressed (exactly like in the 3D viewport where the view snap when you rotate with Alt pressed). This way its consistent, activable quickly. Or use Ctrl, mimicking activation of snapping like in 3D viewport with this same modifier. I propose Alt because currently Ctrl pressed snap on 1 second according to framerate while scrubbing, or lasso select if pressed before . Currently Alt does nothing special !! So lets do it all mighty devs ! :wink:

It’s time for a new papercut.


^ The left side operator panel in the file browser is given too much of a default margin in common file select operations.

The file selector during addon installs suffers the most since the initial preferences window size is 650 by 500 px. But that’s a papercut for another time :stuck_out_tongue:


Grease pencil snap mode “NONE” means “ALL”:

%D0%A1%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%BC%D0%BE%D0%BA%20%D1%8D%D0%BA%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B0%20%D0%BE%D1%82%202019-02-20%2012-28-47 %D0%A1%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%BC%D0%BE%D0%BA%20%D1%8D%D0%BA%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B0%20%D0%BE%D1%82%202019-02-20%2012-23-09

Tooltip “All points” - is “No snap”, but actually it is “snap to all points” . Maybe it is because wrong BPY name?

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Read his reply to my post above – it’s already done. :slight_smile:

I acidentally imported animation data I don’t want.

Searching for animation in the outliner, then pressing A for select all selects the parent object as well, preventing the “clear animation data” right-click menu option from appearing, and preventing me from deleting all animations at once.


Someone once told me you can search for data blocks in Blender and clear animations that way, but this is the easiest way for a new user to discover, and it doesn’t intuitively work well.

There’s no filter options that can select only the animations and I see no “selection” option menu and there’s no selection options in any right click menu either.


Where ? I dont find your ‘post above’. Can you make a direct link to the reply ?

I edited my post (the one you just replied to) to include the link. See above.

12 posts were split to a new topic: Showing keys in the status bar

Papercut! (more Eevee than UI but it’s papercut small):

Don’t recalculate lamp shadows after just orbiting in the viewport

The shadows recalculate every time you orbit the viewport, even if nothing in the scene changes. Which can slow you down after each orbit, particularly if you’re using high res / high bitdepth shadows and soft shadows as well, since soft shadows are tied to render samples. It would be nice for them to stop if nothing in the scene changes


13 posts were split to a new topic: Saving keymap removes preferences

why blender do not remember tool settings anymore?!
when i push alt r to spin for the first time the angle is 0(but should be 90), but when i change angle and do the spin once more on another part angle is back to 0.
Please make it back as it was in 2.7. Same things with insert, bevel, etc


Consistency is king in 2.80, except in the Sequencer.

But, hey… maybe it’s a good thing?

When working in 2.80 and you suddenly is missing that good ol’ 2.79 feeling, you can just open the Video Editor tab. :slight_smile:

When I have a few object selected, I can’t seem to right-click a collection in the outliner and just use an “assign” command in the menu.

I have to locate my objects in the outliner and drag them to a collection? With hundreds of objects, that can be quite the distance… :frowning:

EDIT: The object menu to the left has what I’m looking for in “move to collection”, but wow, that pops up some sort of floating menu that looks way out of place and not consistent with anything I’ve seen so far!


Could be great to have two different values for Volume samples in Eevee, so we can have 16 or 32 or 64 samples for the viewport, so the performance is better, and 128 or more for render.
I mean in the panel I show in the picture, instead of just “Samples” to have “Viewport Samples” and “Render Samples”, like in Cycles.


Just a question : where is the need of not allowing negative frames ?
I might be wrong, but it seems to me that either you need to go there and you must go in the user prefs to enable it as it’s off by default, or you don’t need to go there so you don’t care. But when is the case when you actually need to prevent yourselft from going in negative frames ?


Exactly. This is another bad default.

Timeline is something strange for newbies. I suppose that it’s made to not confuse them. But maybe the option could be in the timeline area, instead of preferences.

It seems, physics simulation is only calculated for positive frames.

negative frames are used to create and send in play strange things that mix and reverse the time, things like that. attention to black holes that send in parallel worlds,
you could end up finding yourself in the 80s!
diabolical things here. hehehe :joy: