Blender 4.3 - Grease Pencil v3 Feedback

May I ask how to get/set vertex group weights via Python, just like the GPv2 API points.weight_get and points.weight_set? After painting some weights, I cannot find the corresponding attribute in drawing.attributes. I also cannot find the weights by object.vertex_groups[i].weight(index).

Hey @filedescriptor, I shared a video in #123317 with a video showing a demo.

video: #123317 - GPv3: Drawing slow down when drawing a very long stroke - blender - Blender Projects

I had the spacing set to 20 in order to make my brushes look how they were supposed to look. This probably led to more points like you suggested. This will probably affect custom brushes in GP3 or is there a new way you’re planning for users to create custom brushes?

Thank you!

I don’t know if this is the right place to ask this question, if not, apologies in advance. I saw the video from Project Gold, where they talked about simulating oil paint and applying the brush strokes with grease pencil. Now I’ve decided asked whether a pigment based color mixing system was used, since oil paints are pigment based colors. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find out anything about it. However, since there is already a pigment based color mixing system and its code is public, I asked myself if the developers know this. I’m talking about mixbox. I’ve already done some mixbox basic tests in Blender with python and OSL.
The mixbox system is a mixing system for pigment-based paints, it can mix not only oil paints but also watercolors and similar pigment-based paints.
In order not to have to reinvent the wheel, I created this posting.Mixbox would be powerful for Texturepainting as well.

My mixbox testings in Blender

Mixbox github


I’ve been trying 4.3 and found that the ‘trace image to grease pencil lines’ on a black & white png doesn’t work correctly at the moment. The trace inverts the black and white incorrectly, and cannot be fixed after trying different settings. I tried inverting my png in my art program, and it still doesn’t work in 4.3, missing many of the lines.
Trying the same image in 4.2, it worked fine.

I also can’t open my 4.2 file (contains only the single traced gp object) with 4.3 without it crashing, so I can’t bring the correct 4.2 trace over to 4.3.

I also can’t import brushes into 4.3, but that is causing less problems than the trace issue.

This crash should be fixed now. You can try downloading the beta build tomorrow.

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Just to confirm, if you raise the spacing to say 100, is the performance better? With the latest beta build? (That video was recorded before the performance improvment that I committed I think)

I’m not sure we can do much for the 4.3 release to improve this situation for textured brushes.
Ideally, we shouldn’t need lots of geometry just to render some textures. We should have a way to place many textures along edges instead of just on the points.

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The Fix 4.3 Test
Thank you!! The trace file opens now in 4.3!


Am I seeing The Fix?

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You ARE 8D I’ve been using blender since 2021 but this is my first attempt at a dnd animatic CB


Any reason not to add the Screen Space Thickness to the essentials bundle, since it’s replacing a previously built-in feature? I’m not sure how many people really used it though.

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I would bet most NPR artists use it (myself included), it’s an essential part of the toolkit

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We’re waiting for asset embedding to ship node groups with blender. Right now, the Append & Reuse functionality is a bit broken.


Hey @filedescriptor, I used the latest 4.3 to test with spacing set to 100 and it did seem like it helped a lot. Thank you for that.
I think getting the brushes to act the same way as GP2 will need a bit of re-work on my part. Is there a thread on materials for GP3?

Looking for information on the Outline Stroke settings? How is this now meant to perform? I’m having difficulty loading an outline material under the Stroke Settings. No Results Found under the Outline Material box - is this now redundant?

If the Brush’s own Material is set to a texture, and the Outline box is ticked, it behaves as though it is drawing a shape, then reverts to the stroke and fills in the stroke with the texture. Is more work yet to be done on this tool?

Hi @filedescriptor!

While trying to migrate to the new GP, I found that some operators are gone - like select_* ops. And that seems right - why would you need selection tools in drawing… But! They worked like erasers. And the lasso eraser is one of the coolest things I miss now.

So it’s half feature parity / half feature request - can we get lasso/box erasers back next release?



Hello there, Here’s some issues i’ve seen while testing Gp3

When you merge down layers from anywhere they move all the way to the top of the layers stack instead of staying where they were…

Only in sculp mode, Turning off overlays doesn’t hide the wires.

All these next issues happen because of “Auto lock inactive” in edit and sculpt mode :

  1. When you have “Autolock inactive layers” on, and select a layer that doesn’t have any strokes on it,
    you can’t see any wires from any other layer at all. This is probably a new intentional behavior. But the issue is
    When you select “Unlock all” you still can’t see the wires until you turn off auto lock . Even though all the layers are unlocked,
    and you should be able to see wires from the unlocked layers again.

This is also a problem when auto lock is on and you hide a layer. When you hit unlock all , you should be able to see wires from unlocked layers.

2)When moving strokes/fills to other layers, a error will pop up and say the layer your tried to move it to was locked. ( The old behavior just moves the selected stokes to that layer) This also happens when trying to move strokes to a “New layer”.

Also when making new layers blender doesn’t automatically add .001

  1. Filter by name isn’t added on the layers panel yet.
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I’m not aware of any devtalk threads on Grease Pencil materials, no.

Yes, this has been reported a few months ago: #125257 - GPv3: Brush "Stroke" panel does not show Outline Material - blender - Blender Projects Issue seems to be the new brush asset system. Hopefully this will be resolved before the release.

Yes! This will come back again. There just wasn’t enough time to make this work without hacking the selection operators into draw mode.

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See #129324 - Grease Pencil - Merge Down operator causes layer order to change - blender - Blender Projects.

See #130109 - Fix #130084: GPv3: Disable overlay does not work in sculpt mode - blender - Blender Projects.

Please report these issue by opening the blender build you found them in, then going to Help > Report a Bug. Thank you!

See #118201 - Tree View Todos - blender - Blender Projects.

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