Thanks for your reply,
Actually I wasn’t even using Shadows in EEVEE at all.
I tried changing the Normal Bias, I changed any option I could find → same result.
Thanks for your reply,
Actually I wasn’t even using Shadows in EEVEE at all.
I tried changing the Normal Bias, I changed any option I could find → same result.
Hmm maybe I’m using an older build, will download the latest one and try again. So the Shadows checkbox doesn’t do anything…? That’s weird
I also expected the shadows to be the culprit right away, but no matter how much I switched them on or off or changed every available parameter it didn’t help.
At least I’m glad I’m not the only one having problems
Did you compile it yourself or is it in the daily builds? I do not see it in ``5197dd2a7a1b` Windows build.
It was the daily build! The one from today works fine!
I’m in Linux.
Hmm and it is called “Shader to RGB?” It is not listed in the search or the menu.
I was able to change to EEVEE legacy, create the node and revert the engine back to EEVEE, then I can use it but I doubt that is the intended method.
It’s a known issue:
Testing today’s daily build for Apple Silicon. No lights are working with the EEVEE Next engine. Everything is just black. Legacy, and Cycles both work. This seems to happen often… basic functionality of EEVEE Next on Apple Silicon goes from working well to completely broken. Is there a larger issue at hand with compatibility?
What gen of Apple Silicon are you on? I know there is a patch being worked on that is trying to enable a workaround for atomics not being present on M1 machines. Atomics is supposedly needed for Eevee Next and may be causing your issues (?).
Same thing is happening in Unreal. M2 and later have atomics built in and can utilize Unreal’s global lighting and textures to their fullest were as M1 machines can not.
I’m on an M1 Mini and can confirm your issue.
I’m on an M1 Ultra. Thanks for the info!
Is Blender or just driver’s compiler uses bindless textures for user textures or something?
Cause i’ve tried to show ppl what texture limit is here with 128 textures, but it just seems worked without fuchsia shader. Even in 3.6.
Are these 128 different images? Using the same image in multiple nodes does not count.
@Austin-Berenyi #116128 - EEVEE Next: Lights do not render with Metal - blender - Blender Projects ?
I wanna address my experience with Eevee NEXT. I am a huge fan of this project and been following it down the road. I have a couple of problems to address that should be looked up on, cause I don’t see them addressed here.
BUG: Normal map node calculates the normals differently from eevee and cycles
What’s the actual point of Eevee NEXT now? Back in 2022 it was said that the re-write is to expand on the Realtime aspect of Eevee. But now it looks more towards quality than peformance, I mean yeah I get it, there is no much quality performance implementations as of yet. But It looks like it’s still gonna be slow. At least I want the peformance comparable to legacy renderer. Cause I am not really happy with the viewport experience.
Please bring back Sphere captures applying light to diffuse surfaces. In some old Eevee NEXT builds Sphere captures could do also do diffuse lighting. It would be great if you make it an option, I think it’s useful when it comes to things you wanna render quickly without baking irradiance volumes
I see that there’s an implementation of resolution scaling for the viewport. So it could mean there’s Potential for a filterer, Upscaling techniques like FSR 1.0 but that sounds like it could be better to wait for vulkan to be ready.
Anyways this was my feedback I think this project is amazing and I really love you developers you do gods work for an open source software!! <33
My guess is a part of “expanding on the realtime aspect” is that, for example, soft shadows can be viewed live and sphere probes no longer require baking.
Bringing back the Bloom subject here ; is there a place that officially documents that decision? I couldn’t find even a commit/pr comment about it, that seems odd to me. Even though I don’t expect release notes and manual to be updated yet, I would have thought it to be at least mentioned somewhere on Gitea, especially on Eevee Next’s ticket
On the feedback-side of it:
While I do agree it makes sense to some degree to have all FX in “the actual place we do FX in Blender”, I think it also makes sense to wonder whether the Glare node is currently a good alternative for it?
I am no expert, but AFAIK the current Glare node’s Fog Glow isn’t as complete in therms of settings, and the visual results are quite limited by the Size and Quality settings, whereas Eevee’s bloom’s quality is only limited to the render quality, its size is virtually limitless, and has more settings that go beyond what the Glare can do alone.
I guess we can reproduce Eevee’s Bloom with nodes at least to some degree, like the colored bloom using more nodes, but that’s a bit sad when we had a simple and efficient solution doing it for us out of the box.
I haven’t seen traces of a Fog Glow update coming with Eevee Next, so if the above makes sense to people other than me, perhaps the better solution for users would be to keep Eevee’s bloom in the meantime?
At first glance, that model looks like it might not have topology that is optimal for that type of shading.
Regardless, the difference in the shading is quite evident. It is just a remeshed object. The point was to show the difference not test a shading pipeline.
can eevee next stop re-rendering when you just click on the objects without moving the camera, or when toggling overlay on/off? like cycles