Hello everyone, this is my first post here so I hope I’m not commiting any criminal offense. I searched pretty extensively and didn’t find anything about this specific issue, if this has been reported or solved then I’d be happy to learn more, also if there is another place on the forums I should post this please let me now.
Using the latest 4.2 Alpha version (as of April 28th 2024) I find that foliage assets using the tried and true method of combining BSDF and Translucent shaders act werid. At first I thought the method didn’t work at all in Eevee Next (no visible translucency effect), but then I started rotating the assets and it started working. Here’s a link to the video showing the problem. After applying the rotation it starts over, only after rotating the asset a bit again the effect shows again. The position of the Sun lamp doesn’t affect how the shader acts in this regard, it seems to be influenced only by rotation of the asset. I’m on Windows 10 using RTX 3060, if that’s important.
This seems to be a side effect of the change in behavior of the thickness mode. Set the thickness output to a value of 0 should negate such changes. Can you confirm?
The normal bias has been replaced yesterday by an automatic bias instead.
Sun Lamp Angle Degrees
This is a known issue. You have to increase the Render Settings / Sampling / Shadows / shadow steps or decrease the Object Data / Light / Shadow / tracing distance.
Sun Lamp Shadows
I am unsure what you mean here. Please report a bug with example blend file.
Shadows cast from a sun can’t decide where they want to be, relative to the camera angle.
And to be more clear, these weird patterns on the skin shouldn’t even be appearing. There’s nothing in the scene “casting” these “shadows”. The diffuse color is just dropping into the falloff range for no reason.
It is still the plan. Many of the performance issues and bugs are being looked at (but that’s also what bcon2 is for), and the remaining design tasks are being finished as we speak.
I would say it is better to ask using the bug tracker anyway, even if unsure. At least we see when a feature is incomplete, not good enough, or not working as intended.
At some point the documentation will list all the limitations and tips how to use each settings.
One more interesting event.
Today build was very promising with everything a bit slower than Legacy, but working overhaul fine.
…This until frame 635 where it all turns black for no known reason.
The event is visible on camera view and on the 3D viewport (although in this case only from a birds eye angle, works fine if seen from a person perspective).
The camera is also on a birds eye angle.
Edit: And it’s just at the pedestal elevation that the camera is. If I dolly it further back on the 3D viewport it’s fine again.
I’ve been following Eevee Next development. While the output quality is nice, the performance is very limited.
My main problem now is VR. I use Eevee extensively with VR (VR scene inspection addon), and it works pretty nicely with stable graphics (no flickering or similar). But with Eevee Next, there is always progressive refinement going on, so every time you change the viewpoint, which is bascally 90 times a second with a VR headset, it restarts the rendering steps, and the first “frame” of this is always blotchy. With a headset there is no stable viewpoint, so the picture never clears up, but remains blotchy and flickering. Which is unfortunately unuseable.
Is there a way to turn off this progressive refinement?
This morning, I’ve read through the thread/PR discussion specifically on the compilation conundrum, and have a stupid question: Does the shader compile ignore looping through settings - such as the light probes, noise reduction, raytracing, etc - if the file itself has them disabled in the render properties?
Or, perhaps the shader compile never goes through that stack in the first place. As i said, it’s not a smart question, so just curiousity.
This is probably the “Temporal Reprojection” setting in Viewport samples. This happens during regular Mouse orbiting as well. If you hold down middle mouse, turn viewport a bit, then stop but keep the middle mouse button down will show similar. The viewport orbit operation is still in progress so it believes there’s movement going on so it will always be reprojecting at slightly different points creating a moving/blobby pattern.
I would like to ask two things
1- Werent local volumetrics as well as changes on the sampling of global volumes planned?
2- I`ve seen a lot of people asking for a derivatives on the shading node, the math node could have a ddx and ddy for example, this is already done internally for some nodes, like the bump node, why not expose it, since its super useful for a lot of effects? This seems like a good timing to do it.