Asset Browser - why still so WIP?

I chose my words very carefully and its a shame you twisted them, the words i used : “i would stop FURTHER DEVELOPMENT”, i never wrote anything about scrapping (that means that g.pencil will continue to exist but only work on finishing things and bugfixes).

I highlighted this point further by adding that blender development should enter freeze phase of not accepting new features but only doing bugfixing and finishing the unfinished for 2 years.

The point behind spectral renderer is that , the guy hope it will be a part of the core , so when blender devs will pull the code into master, it will be another project to maintain.

Another issue that seems to be lost in context: i never wrote anything about preventing anything, my statements were about management and priorities.

OK, point taken. I slightly misrepresented your intentions. (Though not in g-pencil, I talk about scrapping g-pencil ‘development’ ) I meant to write ‘Scrapping development on all those features’ . So I slightly less carefully chose my words :slight_smile:

I still couldn’t agree less. Stopping development on ‘vulkan support’?! Seems like the best way to make sure blender is irrelevant in a few years.

As soon as you include ‘spectral rendering’ in your list of stuff you would ‘drop the development for’. It’s hard to interpret your words as anything different. Currently no core developers work on this, so BF has no way to ‘drop’ this development as is not doing it.

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You mentioned the following : that my reasoning and suggestion would make blender racing and playing “catch up with other paid apps”

Here is the twist mate , Thats already the case, because when we want to animate , we go to maya, why is that? And i answer , because maya got a complete toolset for animation.

Let’s dig deeper : why blender is lagging behind maya in animation? Budget , resources and jumping around, hold the press on animations , we got to do geometry nodes now, wait we have to remake the hair system, etc…

Get the point sir?

You may attempt to address it as : different people working in different areas, well , that’s part of the management problem.

Moderation notice:

Y’all need to calm down and not let these tempers flare, you can disagree but can do so in a calm respectful way, there is NO NEED FOR SECTIONS IN ALL CAPS…

If this thread becomes something i have to babysit, that’ll be the end of it

Play nice!


Changed capslock to bold, it’s the way i format things , nobody is angry on my side, are you?

Moderation of this type :“he used 2 words with uppercase” , most useless moderation, thanks for derailing our posts with this , lazydodo.

Some lecture advice for the next thread. :slight_smile: Contact/CodeOfConduct - Blender Developer Wiki