27 January 2025
Notes for weekly communication of ongoing projects and modules.
- Upcoming Blender 5.0 Release & Compatibility Breakages - #5 by mont29
- Takeaways from feedback for the Blender 4.3 release
Modules & Projects
- 2025-01-20 Compositor module workshop
- 2025-01-21 Nodes & Physics Module Meeting
- 2025-01-21 Render & Cycles Meeting
- 2025-01-23 Animation & Rigging module meeting
- 2025-01-23 Triaging module meeting
- 2025-01-27 Viewport & EEVEE Module Meeting
New Features and Changes
This is a selection of changes that happened over the last week. For a full overview including fixes, code only changes and more visit projects.blender.org.
- Add Action+Slot selector for:
- Support OIDN on Arm (commit) - (Omar Emara)
- Use OCIO luminance for color to float conversion (commit) - (Omar Emara)
- Delay transformations until realization (commit) - (Omar Emara)
- UI: Clarify warning in Render Layers node (commit) - (Omar Emara)
- Make material index attribute builtin on curves geometry (commit) - (Jacques Lucke)
- OSL uniform_edf closure for better MaterialX compatibility (commit) - (Alex)
- Use OpenColorIO for luminance (commit) - (Brecht Van Lommel)
Geometry Nodes
- Output proper face corner normals (commit) - (Hans Goudey)
- Use OpenColorIO for luminance (commit) - (Brecht Van Lommel)
Grease Pencil
- Don’t show material preview as “disabled” (commit) - (Falk David)
- Sculpt Mode Auto-Masking option (commit) - (Falk David)
- Automatically gray out input values that don’t affect the output (commit) - (Jacques Lucke)
- Support input socket usage inferencing for Mix and Mix Shader node (commit) - (Jacques Lucke)
- Fade Inactive Geometry filter on object being interactable (commit) - (Sean Kim)
- Avoid adding “.sculpt_mask” attributes in certain cases (commit) - (Philipp Oeser)
- Use icons in UV Stitch Status Bar (commit) - (RedMser)
- Add icons to Batch Rename data type menu (commit) - (Pablo Vazquez)
- Expand brush/tool falloff curve presets in popovers (commit) - (Nika Kutsniashvili)
- Rename masking property to better reflect its usage (commit) - (Damien Picard)
- Add customized status bar messages:
- Use gizmo theme colors for knife tool overlay (commit) - (Nika Kutsniashvili)
- Avoid double scaling of preview images, improve filtering (commit) - (Julian Eisel)
- Allow drawing icons as drag previews, use for dragging assets (commit) - (Julian Eisel)
glTF exporter
- Add fallback interpolation option (commit) - (Julien Duroure)
- Tweak for action filter in Collection Export (commit) - (Julien Duroure)
- Main Window Title Improvements (commit) - (Jonas Holzman)
- Support rich thumbnail in Finder (commit) - (Ankit Meel)
Weekly Reports
- Aaron Carlisle
- Alaska
- Bastien Montagne
- Campbell Barton
- Christoph Lendenfeld
- Clément Foucault
- Dalai Felinto
- Falk David
- Germano Cavalcante
- Habib Gahbiche
- Hans Goudey
- Harley Acheson
- Jacques Lucke
- Jeroen Bakker
- Jesse Yurkovich
- John Swenson
- Julian Eisel
- Lukas Stockner
- Lukas Tönne
- Miguel Pozo
- Nathan Vegdahl
- Nika Kutsniashvili
- Omar Emara
- Pablo Vazquez
- Philipp Oeser
- Pratik Borhade
- Richard AntalĂk
- Sean Kim
- Sergey Sharybin
- Sybren StĂĽvel
- Thomas Dinges
- Weizhen Huang
- Wu Yiming